Chapter 10 The Midnight Duel

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This chapter is dedicated to MadelineCourtney for her lovely words of encouragement and the great conversation we had about a certain dark haired professor : )


Hurrying down the deserted corridors, Talon mentally cursed herself for losing track of time like she did. There was just something about that man that set her at ease. She didn't know if it was his voice; she found it soothing but her classmates described it as tiresome. Whatever it was she knew she would need to get a handle on it soon, she couldn't be late for her rounds again.

She quietly climbed the stairs to the third floor. Most of the third floor was forbidden so it was assigned to her to patrol. Professor Snape let slip to her that Professor Dumbledore found her much more trustworthy than the Head Boy this year, as a result, she had more responsibilities.

She turned a corner and could have sworn she heard footsteps. Stopping, she strained her ears to catch any sound. There! She whipped her head and saw the torches flare to life along the forbidden corridor. They only light up like that when someone walks passed them. Talon took off at a dead run and quickly caught up to the footsteps.

She stopped when she realized who she had been pursuing. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione, Granger, and Neville Longbottom.

"What in the bloody hell do you four think you're doing out this late?! And in this part of the castle!" Talon whisper shouted. She knew that Filch and his bloody cat were both out prowling around somewhere and the young Gryffindors would be much better off with Talon's punishment.

"Talon I swear we'll explain later but Filch is coming and we need to hide," Harry whispered.

"Then lets hide before that crazy man finds us!"

Talon followed after the frantic first years and pushed passed them when they seemed to be stumped by a locked door. She unlocked it using a wandless Alohomora spell and pulled the door closed when they were all safely inside.

"Bloody hell, Talon! How'd you open the door?"

"Honestly, Ron." She shook her head. "Try actually reading your spell books for once. And if you don't shut your trap Filch will hear us!" Talon hissed.

Talon put her ear up against the wooden door and was satisfied when she heard Filch and his flea ridden cat leave.

"Now let's get out of here and on the way back to your common room you all can explain to me why-"

Talon had begun to turn around as she was talking to the Gryffindors but stopped short when she came eye to eye with one of three heads of a gigantic dog. Two of it's heads were blinking sleepily, it had apparently been sleeping, but the one staring down the Slytherin seventh year was anything but asleep. It bared its huge wet teeth and let out a low growl.

Talon wrenched the door open and shoved the four screaming first years out before she quickly followed suit. All five attempted to push the door closed; now all three heads were awake and alert and seemed very keen on getting loose and eating them alive. Talon took her right hand off the door and then swung it forward like someone throwing a ball under handed but with her hand open flat. A tremendous gust of wind blew from nowhere and slammed the door shut with a bang.

"What do they think they're doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?" Ron had actually found the breath to speak. "If any dog needs exercise, it's that one."

All of a sudden Talon's anger bubbled over at Ron's nonchalant remark.

"You four knew good and damn well not to be wandering around at night especially in this part of the castle!" Talon's voice rose an octave. "I care about all of you immensely and you could have been seriously injured if not killed! You better have a good explanation for this or I swear you'll all be scrubbing cauldrons in detention! For a month!" she shrieked.

All four children had varying emotions etched on their small faces. Ron looked ready to throw up at any moment, Harry simply looked ashamed, Hermione was fit to burst into tears, and Neville looked like he might actually faint.

Talon took a deep breath and settled her nerves. I'm fine. They're fine. Everything's okay. Breathe.

"Lets go. Explain on the way. It's getting rather late."

The Gryffindors scrambled after Talon as she led them back to Gryffindor Tower. Harry and Ron told her about Malfoy's proposal and how Hermione had waited up for them and Neville had forgotten the password. By the time their tale was finished they had made it to the Fat Lady's portrait.

Talon bid them goodnight and apologized for her outburst. She also took off five House Points a piece for being out passed curfew, she was Head Girl after all.

After she was sure they had gone in the portrait hole Talon swiftly made her way to her own common room deep in the dungeons. Glancing at her watch she realized it was close to two in the morning. "Not like I was planning on sleeping anyway," she muttered to herself.

Talon descended the stairs that led to the girls' dormitory and quietly slipped her shoes off. She grabbed her sketchbook and charcoal from her bedside table and drew a detailed rendition of the three headed dog; one head was sleeping, one head was growling, and one head appeared to be smiling, its long tongue lolling out of the side of its enormous mouth. By the time she was finished the sun had already come up over the mountains and it was time for Talon to begin her preparations for school.

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