What are we

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(This is pretty much a part 2 from the last chapter)

He pulled back from the kiss.

"That's what you wanted me to do right?" He asked with a somewhat seductive look on his face. I just nodded my head, unable to get any words out. I felt his cold hand cup my cheek, and his thumb gently pulling down my lip. 'Hot hot hot hot hot hot.'  I thought, from how much I was blushing, it felt like I would have gotten a nosebleed. I put my head on his chest.

"I like you, Kenma..." I said just loud enough for him to hear. I feel his chin get placed on the top of my head.

"I...I like you too." I could hear just how fast his heart was beating, 'Cute'  I thought. But my heart was probably beating faster. 

"So, what do we do now?" I asked.

"Uh, can we play (favorite game), we could stream it if you want?" My head perked up.

"Yes! And yeah we can stream," We go to his gaming room and get everything set up. I sit in the chair next to his and we start streaming. It only took a few seconds for people to come flooding in.

"Hey guys," Kenma said to the people rushing in the stream.

"I have (YouTube/Streamer name) with me today." 

"Hellooo~!" I said smiling at the camera, we start to play the game like usual. A little while into streaming we get another super chat. 

"Is it just me, or does l/n look like she's gained weight 🤔?"   The super chat claimed. My whole body tensed up, but I tried to make it seem like I didn't notice and or, didn't care. I get comments like this a lot, and I know it's just people trying to mess with me but it still gets to my head sometimes.

"What's your point? She looks the same to me, and even if she has that doesn't change anything now does it?" My eyes widened, "Uh, please ban them, permanently." I hear Kenma say, I assumed he was talking to his moderators. He sounded annoyed, which was surprising because he's usually really chill. I just smiled to myself not saying anything. After the stream ended, I went up to Kenma.

"Thank you," I spoke, "For standing up for me I mean," I say not daring to look him in the eyes. 

"Hm? Oh, yeah, no problem." He said putting his hands in his pockets. There was a few long seconds of silence, so I decided to ask the question that was eating me up from the inside.

"Hey, Kenma..." He looked over at me raising his eyebrows, "What are we?" I ask looking up at him. I could see his body tense up but quickly loosen again.

"I could be your boyfriend, and you could be my girlfriend...but that's only if you want that," Kenma said with a slight chuckle. He used his hand to gently lift my chin to look at him.

"I do want that..." I confessed. "I want that a lot actually," At this point, my face was burning from embarrassment, adrenaline, everything. I put my head on his chest, trying to hide my red written face.

"I want that too." Kenma agreed, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"So, are we like...dating  now?" I laugh, my head still on his chest.

"I think so." He answered. My eyes widen, 'Were together...a couple...dating...AHHHHHHH!!'

"Sooooo~...we can do things like kiss? And cuddle? And put our Minecraft beds next to each other?" I ask with a big smile on my face, the last part was a joke but in a way I still meant it.

"I mean, that's what couples do right?" Kenma inquired. We spent a little while longer talking to each other like normal. I saw it started to get late and decided that I should go.

"Hey uh, it's getting late; I should probably go," I say grabbing my bag and walking slowly towards the door. Before I should even reach it, I feel a strong hand grip my wrist lightly, preventing me from moving. I turn around kind of confused but at the same time flustered.

"Stay," Kenma said blankly.

"Hm?!" I say shocked at his sudden actions.

"I said stay...please." I smiled at his flustered state, my heart also racing. 'How could I say no?'

"Okay, I'll spend the night." As soon as I said that Kenma let go of my wrist.

"Now that I'm spending the night, do you wanna get food?" I suggest.

"Sure uh, let's get something delivered. Do you want (random food)?"

"That sound's good I'll pa-" Before I could finish, Kenma cut me off.



"No, I already paid," Kenma said clicking a few times on his phone.

"Alright, but I'm paying next time!" I said huffing a bit.


I let out a yawn indicating that I was tired.

"Let's go in my room, yeah? We can watch a movie if you want." Kenma asked.

"Sure, but I'm probably gonna fall asleep," I laughed, making him chuckle. We walked into his room and laid down next to each other in his bed. We weren't cuddling or anything, just laying side by side. 'I kind of want him to hold me right now...'  I think to myself, pursuing those thoughts, I laid my head on Kenma's chest. He then hesitantly started playing with my hair, almost instantly putting me to sleep.

A/n: I'm SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT!!! I've been having really bad writer's block for a while and I don't know how to get rid of it...hopefully, new chapters will be out once or twice a week from now on <3 

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