Mama knows best

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"Mom, I know I-"

"Remember it's 7:30 AM, please be there on time, f/n."  My mom has been getting on my ass about picking her up from the airport on time for about a week now. She's coming to visit me in 2 days after she and my dad moved to America about a year ago. She hasn't had the time or money to fly back before recently so I've been missing her. My dad on the other hand can't make it due to his job making him go on a business trip in- I think California? I'm not sure. But I miss him a lot too.

"Okay, okay, I know. You've been saying this," I groan picking at the hangnails on my fingers.

"I know but you're a very forgetful girl!" I laugh at her response.

"I know, but I won't forget this,"

My mind goes blank for a second, "What was I going to say? Oh yeah!" I remember, "I have something to tell you when you get here, It's quite big news."

"Oh really?" She says excitement threaded in her words, "Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked. My eyes widen.

'Shit, she wasn't supposed to guess...'

"Uh...damnit," I say defeatedly, letting out a small sigh.

"Mama knows best," She laughs, "Now, am I gonna get to meet this boy?"

"Um, hopefully, I'm gonna ask him about it today."

Kenma's POV

"Shit," I curse underneath my breath, "Why aren't my teammates doing anything?" Right before I started getting too mad at the game my phone started ringing. I glance over at it to see a picture of f/n on the screen. I instantly drop my controller and pick up the phone.

"Hey, what's up?" She usually never calls me without texting me first, so I guess I was a little worried.

"Nothing much, I'm just wondering if you would be free on Saturday?" She sounded apprehensive, this only made me worry a little more.

"Yeah," I respond, "I will, is everything okay?"

"Yeah," She responds hesitantly, "Okay, so my mom wants to meet you and-" My eyes widen and I zone out, deep in my thought. 'I knew this would have to happen one day but- fuck, chill out.'

"Kenma? You still there?" Her pretty voice broke me out of my trance and back into reality.

"Yeah, I'm here. What- uh, what is your mom like?" I asked silently hoping she wouldn't be anything like mine.

"Well," She starts, "She's very kind and supportive, but (not to scare you or anything) very judgy. So you have to look nice when you come over, no sweatpants and hoodie." She disclosed with a small giggle.

"Okay," I sighed, "What time?"

"She wants you over for dinner so be at my place at like 5 pm, is that fine?" Before I can respond she continued talking, "It's gonna have to be fine. Just letting you know she hates it when people are late so make sure you're on time, if not that then early."

I laugh, I can hear the worry in her stern voice. 'Does she really think I'll screw this up?'

"I'll be there, don't worry alright?" I say trying to ease her mind.

"Alright, I have to go, I love you."

"Love you too, baby." I hear a quiet giggle on the other side of the phone, I love the way she gets when I call her pet names. I find it cute.


'Todays the day...' I think to myself waking up from a long sleep, I stretch and go for my phone. Then I realize something, 'Did my alarm not go off...?' I panic and quickly reach for my phone and look at the time.

"3 PM?!" I instantly jump out of bed taking my sweat pants off and putting on my favorite pare of jeans. I find my nice collard shirt, I noticed it was wrinkled due to not wearing it in a while. So, I put it off to the side to straighten later. I look at myself in the mirror, suddenly noticing all my imperfections. 'What if she doesn't like me?'

Memories from bad experiences I had with my mom flooded my brain. I shook them off the best I could and grabbed my phone to check the time again, this time I notice missed messages and calls.

"What the-" I say unlocking my phone to see who they're from, "Oh, shit." F/n, they were from F/n. I read them.

Cutie<3: Good morning, babyyy. Can't wait to see you today 🥰

Cutie<3: Baby? You awake?

Cutie<3: Kenma, you better not still be sleeping it's almost 12.

Cutie<3: Alright, whatever you better be ready in time 🙄<3

Cutie<3: How late did you stay up last night??.

Cutie<3: You officially have only 2 hours to use on getting ready, and taking the 45 minute drive here. Idk if you're just ignoring me but wake tf up.

'Oh shit I'm so screwed.'

A/n: HELLO, so sorry for not updating and about the crappy chapter, school has been KICKING MY ASS. Butttttt, I sadly got covid so not I have the free time to work on this story haha. I love you guys and a new update for this story should be out soon <3

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