Stop being a brat y/n

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⚠️ NSFW ⚠️ 16+ ⚠️

3rd person POV (I think)

"You said I could ruin you." Kenma exclaimed making your breath hitch. His hands gripped your sides pushing your behind onto him turning you (and him) on even more. But you also felt like you couldn't talk, move, anything. All the confidence you had before diminished before your eyes.

"Aw, not so bold anymore, huh?" Kenma's snarky remark made you whine. 'Why can't I talk?' you thought.

"Can't even talk now?" He inquired, yet again you couldn't mutter anything. You heard a small chuckle come from you're boyfriend, he liked the effected he was having on you.

"Okay, fine." The boy said, and suddenly he wasn't you touching at all. You look at him confused, you wanted him to touch you more not just stop. Your face was beat red, you didn't even know why you were reacting like this. Maybe it's because Kenma's usually sumwhat gentle and soft with his words and actions during sex that the thought of him "ruining" you made your hormones go crazy.

"I'll touch you when you tell me too." He exclaimed looking you up and down. 'This is so embarrassing.'

After a little while you uttered out, "Touch me..." Kenma walked closer to you leaning over a bit so y'all were at eye level.

"What was that?" He asked with a smirk.

"...Touch me." You sputtered louder this time and you watched his smirk get bigger. You bit the inside of your cheek trying to mask the embarrassment you were feeling. He grabbed your jaw bringing your face closer to his.

"You're acting so pathetic," Your boyfriend claimed, "It's cute." The same smirk on his face taunting you. He suddenly picked you up by my waist and put you over his shoulder.

"Put me down! I can walk by myself!" You say kicking your legs.

"Stop being a brat, y/n."

'How much more embarrassment will he put me through?' You thought. You stopped kicking because he wasn't gonna let you down, and you were kinda into whatever is going on even though it was hard to be seen this vulnerable. You guys enter Kenma's bedroom and he put you down on the bed. He climbed on top of you with one of his legs in between both of yours. He started to observe you from above, making you incredibly nervous and fidgety.

"This is my favorite outfit on you y'know." He says slipping his hand under your shirt while using the other one to grip your jaw, so you'll have no choice but to face him. His hand under your shirt got closer and closer to your breast causing your breathing to quicken.

"Already so nervous and I haven't even done anything yet," He snickers, finally bringing his lips to yours. The kisses were sloppy and sweat, and the hand he was using to grip your jaw wondered a little lower to your neck. You felt his other hand slip under your bra and brush against your nipple causing your back to arch up abruptly.

"You like me teasing you, huh?" He inquires as his grip around your neck tightens. You let out a small moan causing your face to redden even more. You don't respond out of embarrassment causing his grip to tighten. You gasp, eyes starting to water.

"Don't you?" Kenma repeated his tone stern and deep, and you frantically nod your head in response.

"Use your words, y/n." He corrected with the same evil smirk on his face, he was blocking the blood flow to your brain and things started to get fuzzy.

"Y- yes! Yes..." You respond sheepishly, your  eyes were tearing making your mascara run a bit. He smiles and kisses your cheek.

You feel his grip on your neck loosen and you bite the inside of your lip. He caressed your bottom lip with his thumb before kissing you once again. His other hand was trailing up and down your torso, but you wanted more. The feeling in between your legs had gotten more intense. So, you pushed yourself up against his knee to relive some of the pressure you were feeling down there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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