you better not be going to sleep

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It's been a few days since the strange dream I had and I was planning on doing another stream with Kenma since we haven't made one together in a while. My streams and videos are always flooded with "When are you going to do another video with Kenma??" so I figured I'd better give them what they want. Plus I get to spend time with my boyfriend, so it's a win-win. 


Kenma❤: are you on your way baby?

That pet name always gives me the butterflies.

You: Yes! Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I was in a hurry.

Kenma❤: that's fine get here safe

You: <3


The red light I was at turned green, so I couldn't write a decent reply back. But, I'm just a perfectionist. Kenma always makes fun of the way I text. He says I "Text like a mom", I can't really disagree with him though, I kinda see it.

I finally arrived at his house and walked up to the door eager to see him, it has been a little while. I knocked and shortly after I hear footsteps running up to the door, the door swung open and I practically flew into his arms. I missed him, and the hoodie he gave me lost its smell, so it was comforting letting his scent fill my nose. Especially since my love language is touch, it's hard being away from him for so long.

"I missed you so much!" I exclaim, my words muffled as I buried my head into his chest. He puts his hand under my chin, lifting it to meet his soft lips.

"I missed you too, love." My eyes widened, 'Love...? Oh my god.'

"Let's go inside, yeah?" He spoke snapping me out of my flustered state.

"Y-Yeah," We head inside his house and I place my bag down like usual.

"We don't have to stream till a little bit so you wanna just hang out?" He asks getting my attention, I nod my head in response.


"Ew..." I say breaking the silence.

"What is it?" Kenma looks over at me confused, I shake my head before responding.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about how I acted when we first met. I always put on this persona when I meet new people, and I cringe thinking back at it." I chuckle thinking about how utterly annoying I was being without even noticing.

"Really? I didn't think you were 'ew' at all. But I can tell that you've changed...before you were really hyper and bubbly, and now you're more chill and relaxed. You seem more comfortable too." His words made me smile, giving me a little peace of mind knowing that I wasn't that annoying to him. After a brief moment of silence, I hear an alarm go off on his phone.

"Oh, we should probably start streaming now. I lost track of time, so we're gonna have to set up quick." I nod my head as we make our way to his gaming room, he already set up another chair for me to sit in so at least that was done. It didn't take that long to set up, but it did make us run a little late. But at soon as we started the stream, a bunch of people came flooding in.

"Hey guys," Kenma greeted, and I said the same. I looked in the chat to see a bunch of happy viewers.

"Wow, ya'll are really that happy to see me?" I joke, smiling at the camera. We ended up talking and playing a bunch of different games on that stream, it was one of the most enjoyable streams I've done. Even though the chat was filled with shippers and people arguing with the shippers, it was still really fun. After the stream ended, we just cuddled on the couch, watching a show. I was laying on top of him with my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat ought to be the most comforting thing. Almost enough to put me to sleep.

"Hey, you better not be going to sleep," His hand cupped my cheek with his hand, making me look directly at him. I felt my face grow hot, 'His eyes are so goddamn pretty...'  I leaned into his touch as a soft smile appears on my face. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks with a smirk on his face. I shake my head and scoot up a bit so I could kiss him on his cheek, causing a soft blush to appear on his pretty face. 

"You're so cute, y'know." My words only caused the blush on his face to deepen, he turned his head to the side avoiding my gaze. I chuckled at the sight, I've never seen him so soft or shy before. He's always the one making me shy so it was fun teasing him like this. I kissed his cheek once again before getting off of him.

"Where are you going?" Kenma asked looking up at me.

"I'm hungry," I say walking to the kitchen, I hear footsteps follow behind me shortly after. "Whatchu got in here?" I say opening the fridge.

"Who's birthday was it?" I ask as I look at the birthday cake in the fridge.

"Nobodys, I just wanted cake." Kenma replies walking up to me and resting his head on my shoulder. 

"Fair. I'm gonna order something, what do you want?"


Kenma's POV

We ate and now it was about 9 o'clock, the original plan was for her to come at 9 and stay till 8 because I didn't want her driving home in the dark. But those plans quickly changed and she wanted to stay the night, which I was fine with. 

"You wanna do something?" I inquire leaning my head on my hand, I feel her scoot closer to me.

"Like what?" She asked looking up at me, I shrug my shoulders before answering. "I don't know, anything you wanna do." I look down at her to see a smirk plastered on her face.


A/N: I'm alive guys! And thank yall for over 8k reads on this wow, I've been working on my Tsukkiyama book a lot lately and I've been spending a lot of time with my grandma so I haven't been able to update as much as I would want. I say this all the time but I'm grateful to yall for being patient with me <3

I love you more than games - KenmaxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now