The Surprise That's Already Known

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Alex and I drive up to the embassy. I sent out a message to Jamie, Alexi, Noah, Megan, Rosie, Lila, Ms. Chancellor, and my grandfather this morning. I told them that I have news to tell them.

Alex and I are going to tell them that we are going to get married. I can almost picture Jamie jumping to conclusions by thinking I'm pregnant.

"Showtime," Alex jumps off the car after parking it.

I take a deep breath and Alex and I walk hand in hand into the embassy. I told everyone to wait for me in the dining room. As Alex and I walk towards the dining room I hear the others chatting inside. Before we can enter I get into character, the girl who just got engaged to the man she is madly in love with. Alex gives me a reassuring smile, I put on a big smile and we walk into the room.

"Hey everyone," I smile widely. Which is totally fake. I'm nervous and don't know how they are going to react to this sudden news.

They all quiet down and turn to us attentively. Alex gives my hand a tight squeeze. I lift my left hand and display my ring. "Alex and I are getting married!" I say excitedly. I expect some shocked expressions but none come. All I get is silence.

"Yeah...well, we found out this morning," Noah says sheepishly.

"We saw the video you posted on your social media account," Jamie says.

"Oh yes!" I say in fake realization. "I was so excited I posted it this morning but I really did want you all to be the first people we told."

"Well I am really happy for you Gracie," grandpa makes his way over to Alex and me. "As long as you are happy then I couldn't be happier."

He turns to Alex and puts his hand on his shoulder. "I have never seen Gracie smile like how she smiles when she is with you. Take care of my granddaughter Mr. Rider."

"I will sir," Alex smiles and my grandfather walks out of the room

"So when is the wedding?" Megan asks. She tries to look excited but she is failing terribly, so are the others.

"Saturday," I say.

"Saturday!" Jamie chokes while drinking a glass of water. "This Saturday?!,"

I nod in response

"Wow that's soon," Lila says.

"Well I always say 'why put it off till tomorrow what can be done today," I say practically fake bursting with excitement.

"It is soon," Noah muses. "Why don't you guys wait a while. We need time to plan everything. I mean my best friend deserves a grad wedding."

"Yeah," Rosie pipes up. "There must be so much to do."

They are all stalling. I can understand where they are coming from but they are stalling. But why?

"Oh you guys don't worry about a thing," Alex interrupts. He also seems to have come to the same conclusion as I have. "You are right Noah Grace deserves nothing but the best. We already have started the wedding preparations. Everything will be done right on time for the wedding on Saturday. I will make sure she gets nothing less than perfect." Alex looks at me affectionately.

I smile widely as I look back to the others. "Lila, Megan, Rosie will you guys be my bridesmaids. You have to be!"

"Of course," Megan says.

"Yeah Grace," Rosie says.

"Don't worry we definitely will be your bridesmaids," Lila smiles.

"Oh good," I say in fake relief. "There will be one other person coming in from back home so it will be the five of us. She will be arriving today. I hope you guys don't have anything planned tomorrow because we are going dress fitting."

"Sure," Rosie says.

"Come on I have to show you guys the dress ideas I have," I rush them out of the room. I turn back to Alex just before we leave. "I'll see you tonight," I kiss Alex on the cheek and lead the girls to my room.


Alex pov:

As soon as Milady leaves the room I turn to Jamie, Noah, and Alexi. "Well, I still need groomsmen so would you mates be my groomsmen?"

"Us?" Noah points to himself and the others.

"Yeah," I smile. "Grace has told me a lot about you all and it would be a great honor to have you three as my groomsmen.

"We most definitely will," Alexi looks to me and smiles.

Well, this is unexpected. He has had a problem with this whole thing why is he suddenly so supportive.

"That's good to hear," I say. "And Jamie would you be my best man?"

"Well you seem to make my sister happy," Jamie walks to me. "So I'll be more than happy to be your best man."

He puts reaches me and shakes my hand, "Welcome to the family Alex Rider."

Nothing is welcoming in his gaze or his handshake. I look into his eyes. I've always loved a good challenge.

Just then my phone rings and Max's name pops up on the screen, "Sorry mates I have to take this." I walk out of the room and answer Max's call once I'm out, "Yeah,"

"Alex I just want you to know that yours and Grace's wedding clothes are here. Stop by tomorrow to try it on. And also bring along our Adrian friends. There are clothes for them as well."

"Alright," I say, and end the call.

Something is off with Milady's friends. I have to get to the bottom of this before they mess up the mission again.

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