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Zach, Max, Alice, Zhenzhen, and I walk into our team jet. Alex is packing his go bag when he notices us.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asks.

"Dude if you think we're letting you go face those lunatics on your own think again," Zack plops down on the couch.

"Yeah Alex we're a team," Max smiles and he sets up his laptop.

"Guys thank you but you know we could die right," Alex smiles.

"Come on Rider," I sit across him and put up my feet on the coffee table. "When has that ever stopped us besides you've helped me whenever I needed you, you've been there for all of us."

"Besides there is no way we're gonna miss kicking some butt. It's gonna be like fireworks," Zhenzhen says.

"Now let's go save your parents Rider," I say.

I look out through the jet windows and I watch Embassy Row pass below us. I am an Embassy Row girl and I've become to realize that it's my home but I'm also a spy. It's what I love to do and when the mission's done I will always return home.

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