Somewhat of a Happy Ending

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Alex, Zach, Alice, and I immediately turn towards Jerry.

"Yo boss!" Zach exclaims. "What are you doing here?"

"This is really odd for Jerry to show up after a mission," I whisper to Alex.

"Well considering the circumstances I feel much better that Jer will be explaining things to them. It saves us a lot of time," Alex whispers back.

"Hello everyone. My name is Jerry," Jerry stands in front of my family and friends. "I know you all must be confused right now but all of your questions will be answered in due time." Jerry turns to my grandfather, "Mr. Ambassador I need to have a word with you and the other ambassadors at once."

"Alright, we can meet in the conference room," grandpa replies.

"Excellent!" Jerry starts walking towards the conference room with Embassy Row's ambassadors in tow.


An hour later Alex, Zach, Alice, and I stand in awkward silence as Jamie, Megan, Lila, Noah, Alexi, and Rosie stare at us.

Cammie and her friends already left 30 minutes ago so it's just the 9 of us.

"What do you guys think boss man is telling them in there?" Zach whispers to Alex and me.

"Well, all the presidents around the world know about WOOHP so he probably has got their permission to tell the ambassadors some of the truth," I whisper back.

"Yeah I think Milady is rig-" Alex starts to whisper back.

"You know we are standing right here," Lila says. "So instead of whispering to each other, you should start explaining why you all know how to use guns, and why that person looked exactly like you Grace."

"Well...I," I suddenly don't know how to start. I don't know how many times I've recited what I was going to say but now that the time has come to explain I'm at loss for words.

"Guys!" Max runs into the embassy. Thank God he arrived just in time.

"Dude!" Zach smiles. "I was wondering where you were."

"Are you guys alright?" Max looks at us with concern all over his face.

"Yeah we're okay," Alex smiles. "Besides it's not the first time we've done this then why are you so concerned all of a sudden?"

"Well then if you guys were so fine why weren't you answering my calls and texts?" Max looked worried.

Zach, Alex, Alice, and I pulled out our phones. And there were a dozen texts and missed calls from Max.

"Sorry Max," I look at him. "We had our phones on silent. What was so important?"

Max looked at Jamie, Rosie, Alexi, Megan, Noah, and Lila, "Can we talk somewhere more private?"

"Sure," I say curious at what Max looked so worried about.

"No!" Noah says. "You all are going to first tell us what is going on!"

"Look guys I promise I will explain but first we need to hear what Max has to say," I say and we walk an earshot away so that Jamie and my friends could see us but not hear us.

"Alex, do you remember the conversation we had with Jerry regarding your parents?" Max asks.

"Yeah," Alex says. "We all confronted him to ask him if he knew whether my parents were taken by the organization the clones worked for."

"Yeah, and do you guys remember his response?" Max goes on.

"He said he didn't know but it was highly unlikely," I respond.

Undercover on Embassy Rowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن