Meet Alex boyfriend

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I get back from my morning workout at 7 just in time to shower and posh up for my 'boyfriend'. I still feel it kind of weird calling Alex my boyfriend. I put on a blue and white summer dress and match it with white sandals. I braid the front of my hair and clip it to the back of my hair.

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 I apply some light make-up on and put on some nude pink lipstick

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I apply some light make-up on and put on some nude pink lipstick. By the time I am done it is 10. Alex said that he will arrive during breakfast time, well its breakfast time now. I take a deep breath, grab my phone, lock my bedroom door, and head for the dining room. The others are at the breakfast table already digging in.

"Good morning Gracie," Jamie greets me.

"Morning," I smile and sit where I sat last night.

"Well you look lovely," Lila says.

I fake smile shyly, "Thank you."

"So Grace when are you starting your internship," Noah asks.

"Tomorrow," I answer. Everyone converses amongst themselves talking about the plans they have for today. I watch Alexi. Rosie asks him a question and he actually smiles as he answers her. So only I have the honor of getting the cold shoulder from Alexi. I sigh inwardly and continue to eat my bacon and eggs.

I watch as Noah whispers into Megan's ear and she giggles, actually giggles, Jamie, Alexi, Lila, and Rosie are talking about the party that is being held at the beach. I remember going to one of those parties 4 years ago. It wasn't very pleasant. Ms. Chancellor and grandpa are having a meeting with the Korean Ambassador so they aren't here.

I'm halfway through my meal when Alex messages me, 'I'm here J'

I'm actually happy about him being here. I feel like a 1000kg weight has been lifted from my chest but then a 100kg comes back when I realize that I have to introduce Alex as my boyfriend. 'I'm coming' I text back.

"Excuse me," I say and get up. "I'll be back."

I rush out of the room and before I know it I'm standing outside of the embassy's doors. I look out and see a black and white Aston Martin parked outside of the gates and leaning against it is a strikingly attractive guy and a handsome, slender face, and an appealing expression that "would attract plenty of girls". His serious dark-brown eyes are hidden behind dark sunglasses. He has a slightly hard, narrow mouth. He is well-built, slim and has the body of an athlete, and has a tan complexion. He is dressed in casual clothing, jeans, and a grey T-shirt that shows off his fit body and is wearing a wooden bead necklace.

The marine at the gate opens the gate for me. Once I'm out I call out, "Alex!"

He looks to me and breaks out a huge grin that shows of his white teeth. "Milady!"

I rush over to him and I'm immediately pulled into a tight hug. "I'm so happy to see you," I say.

"Me too Milady," Alex says as he releases me.

"So are you ready?" I ask.

"I'll be fine Milady," Alex says. "Now let's go meet these friends of yours."

He grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine, "Have to get into the role."

We walk back into the embassy and to the dining room where I hear Jamie, Alexi, and Noah laughing. I can't believe Alexi is actually laughing. He has been so cold to me since I arrived and hearing him laugh feels nice. I'm suddenly nervous and want to avoid this altogether. I know Alexi still has feelings for me and I know that he is going to be so hurt when I introduce Alex to them as my boyfriend.

Alex squeezes my hand, "don't worry Milady. It's going to be fine."

I nod, forcing a bright smile on my face and we both walk into the dining room. As soon as we walk in, the room is stunned to silence.

"Everyone I would like you to meet boyfriend."

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