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Alex, Zach, and I arrive at our base opps aka the villa. Zhenzhen is waiting outside and as I get off the car she pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry," she says in a quiet voice so I'm the only one who hears.

"It's ok," I say as she releases me. "Come on let's get this flash drive to Max. His must be itching to get his hands on it."

We walk into the basement and are greeted by Max. "Good job guys," he smiles happily.

"Thank you, thank you," Zach says playfully.

"Here," I hand the flash drive over to Max.

"I'm gonna have to scan it first," Max says as he takes the flash drive from me.

"So?" Alex asks.

"So it's gonna take quite some time, 24 hours to be exact," Max says as he sits down in front of his computer. "We have to be careful. We don't want some sort of assassin virus hitting our network. I'm going to contact Liz. It will be faster if we both do the scan together "

"OK then," Zach sighs heavily and gets up from his seated position. "I'm gonna have a shower. Being in the pm's suit made me all sweaty."

"Better have a clean shower," Alex smiles.

"When have I ever had a dirty bath. You wound me, brother," Zack clenches his chest playfully. "Tell Elizabeth I said Hi Max and to give my regards to the Gallagher Girls. I'll see you tomorrow Grace." He waves goodbye before walking out.

"I'll take you back to the embassy," Alex is suddenly by my side.

"Okay," I say heavily. I know what awaits me when I get back. A part of me wants to stay here with the people who gradually became my family but the more logical half knows I have to go back. I can't keep running my whole life.


We arrive at the American embassy as the sun starts to set. "Want me to come with you Milady," Alex asks.

"No, I need to face this alone," I smile back at him. He has always been so thoughtful. "I gotta go," I get off the car and start walking to the gate when a strong arm catches my hand. I whirl around to find Alex. He pulls me into a hug, "You can call me anytime. If you need a shoulder to cry on or an ear the listen to you, then I'm here for you. Just don't keep it all in Milady. Please, share things with me don't bottle it all up...okay?"

"Okay," I say with slight tears in my eyes.

He releases me and I walk into the embassy. I stop at the main doors to see Alex is still standing there. I wave at him and I get a big smile and wave in return. Just that smile has given me the courage I need and I walk into the place that used to be my home.

I walk in and I notice that there is not a single soul in sight. Thank God that there's no one around. I walk to my room and when I come to my room, I find it slightly ajar. I know who is inside without even looking.

I walk inside to find Jamie, Alexi, Noah, Megan, Lila, and Rosie in my room.

"Get out," I say stop in front of them.

"Gracie-" Jamie steps forward,

"Shut up and get the hell out!" I look at them with lethal calm. Maybe my rage can cover the hurt I'm feeling right now.

"Grace please let us explain," Megan says.

"Explain what?" I ask. "Explain how you all think I'm still crazy or how you all still think the worst of me?"

"Gracie that's not it," Alexi says.

"Oh so now you talk to me," I bite back. "Before it was like I didn't exist.

"Grace we are so sorry," Noah says solemnly.

"No matter how many times you all can say sorry, I will never forget how low you made me feel about myself," I yell. I'm getting really angry now. "Do you know I never wanted to come back here? I only came back because of grandpa. Why do you think I didn't jump at your idea Lila to help plan the party? After whatever happened all those years ago you all treated me like a porcelain doll that was going to break anytime. What did you say in the storage closet?... me being all happy and acting like nothing ever happened was too good to be true. At least I now know that you all can't see me happy. You all probably will be happier to see me in an asylum right?"

"Grace please hear us out," Lila pleads.

"I don't care what you have to say," I spit out. "All of you just get out! I don't want to talk to you or even see you right now so leave. If you don't want to get out, then I'll go."

One by one they leave and I shut and locked the door. I take a deep breath and tiredness rushed over me. It has been a long day. I have a quick shower, throw on a nightgown, and dive into the covers of my bed. I quickly text Alex, Zach, Zhenzhen, and Max Goodnight and I shut my eyes hoping to get today's events out of my head.

Tomorrow is the day we find what's in the flash drive. Sleep almost immediately finds me.

Undercover on Embassy RowWhere stories live. Discover now