Meeting the Gang

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I wash my face and I mentally prepare myself for the conversation I'm about to have with my friends. I put on some light make-up and I apply only power on my face with a little bit of mascara and I apply a nude lipstick. I look at myself in the mirror and I see why Jamie, Ms. Chancellor, and grandpa took a double-take when they saw me. I grew up. My cheekbones where more profound and my figure is more slender. I never looked at myself in the mirror long enough to realize it but I look a lot like my mother. That's why grandpa looked as if he had seen a ghost.

I hear someone banging on my door. "Come on Gracie. You're not going to a fashion show!" Jamie says sarcastically.

I open the door before he decides to break it with his banging. "I'm ready" I smile.

"Good" he smiles. "Let's go."

We walk to the glass doors that lead to the garden and I can hear the laughter and conversation going on beyond that.

"Let me go first," Jamie says. "Then you can come in after."

"Ok" I smile enthusiastically.

Jamie opens the doors and walks over to the big garden table and chairs surrounding it. I watch from the corner of the door so that they don't see me. I see that Noah, Lila, Megan, Alexi, and Rosie are already seated and stop chatting as soon as Jamie walks over to them.

"Finally you're here," Noah says as he turns to face Jamie. He looks different. Although we all spoke occasionally over the years I haven't kept in touch with them constantly.

"Jamie what's the big secret," Lila walks up to him. "Why'd you want us all here."

I watch as Lila talks to him. The way she spoke to him and her body language around him is different somehow.

"Yeah," Alexi says. "Why did you want to see us all of a sudden." It has been such a long time since I've heard his voice.

"I have a surprise for you guys," Jamie says and I can hear the excitement in his voice. I prepare myself for the big reveal.

"What surprise" Rosie asks excitedly.

I take a deep breath, put on a huge smile on my face, and walk into the garden. "Me!"

They all look over to me. "Surprised?" I ask joyfully.

"Grace?" Noah looks at me. They all have dazed expressions.

Jamie starts to laugh, "I knew you guys would be surprised. The look on your faces is priceless!"

Rosie is the first to recover and she runs over to me. "Grace!" she squeezes me. "Oh my God, it's so good to see you!"

Rosie has grown up a lot. When I saw her last she was just 13. Now she almost looks like a woman.

"Move aside Rosie. You're hoarding my best friend," Noah playfully pushes her aside. "Grace! I've missed you!" Now Noah hugs me and when I say hug, I mean crushes me.

"Uh...Noah, you're...crushing me," I manage to get out.

"Oh sorry," he pulls away.

Next Megan rushes to hug me. "I can't believe you're here!" She pulls away to study me. "You look amazing."

"Thanks," I say. I'm surprised when Lila hugs me. "I'm glad you're here Grace. It's nice to see you."

She releases me and Alexi comes over to me. He also hugs me but his hug isn't like the others. He hugs me gently and lets me go. "You look lovely Gracie. You've grown up a lot."

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