What Could Go Wrong Went Wrong

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I walk down the aisle hand in hand with my father when Zach's frantic voice fills my ear.

"Guys we have a problem. The clone is at the wedding! I repeat it's at the wedding! Come on we need to get there now!"

I look to Alex. It takes all of my training to refrain from looking nervous. Understanding shines in his eyes. My father and I reach the podium and the music dies down as my father gives my hand to Alex.

"Take care of her son," my dad says.

"I will sir," Alex says proudly. I half wonder if he heard Zach's urgent words.

I take my place with Alex on the podium as my dad walks over to his seat in the front row. With both hands in his, I squeeze it tight. "Alex...." I breathe out.

"I know," Alex smiles. He then starts to tap on my hand.

.--. .-.-.. .-...--..-.-- --...-...--..-.-- (We are ready Milady)

.--. -.-..--.....--.-...-... -........ (We can handle this)

I smile at him as the priest begins. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the joining of two hearts in holy matrimony. Whoever has a reason why these two should not be wed speak now or forever hold your peace."

The priest holds on for what seems like an eternity. I brace myself for the objection that might come, but none comes.

"Good then," the priest smiles. "I am told that you two have written your vows, Alex you go ahead."

Alex looks me in the eye, "Milady when we both met I was in a really dark place. I didn't know how I could get out. I felt as if God had forgotten I was alive but then one day like a spotlight you came into my life and brightened it and I finally realized that there is a God because he let me meet you. You made me feel loved and most of all I found my family in you. I vow to be the best husband I can be. To keep you happy and walk with you in every step of this life. I vow to be there when you need me and to protect you with everything I have in me. I love you Grace and I can't wait to live this life with you."

I realize that I have tears in my eyes and before I can start brawling here I take a deep breath and focus on Alex, "Alex I am so glad I met you. Before I met you I was lost. I had put up walls to protect myself from breaking and to prevent people from seeing how shattered I was. But then you walked into my life and you saw right through me. I couldn't hide anymore. You picked up every piece of me that was shattered and you pieced me together again. You were patient with me. You sat with me whenever I couldn't sleep and whenever I arose from my nightmares you were right there. You never forced me to talk about my problems. You just sat with me and whenever I did talk you listened, never judging me. I am so glad I met you Alex Rider. I promise to be the best wife to you. I promise to carry you when you feel too tired to carry on. And even if the whole world is against you I promise to stand with you, supporting you. We have this little life and for a lot of it we just blow around in the wind but if we're lucky and we believe that God knows what's best for us sometimes we land on the right someone to spend our lives with. I love you, Alex."

"I have never heard more perfect vows than that," the priest says. "Alex repeat after me; I Alex Rider take you, Grace Olivia Blakely, to be my lawful wife..."

Alex and I repeat the official vows, exchange rings, and before I know it the priest pronounces us husband and wife.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride," the priest says.

Alex and I smile and just when we are about to finish things officially we are interrupted by laughing.

"hahahahaha," the clone laughs as she walks toward.

My thoughts go over to the message Alex sent me earlier.

"Milady I don't think this is as simple as we think it is. We know the clone and the organization she is working for is complex. They have been elusive from intelligence agencies. I refuse to believe that they are now making it so easy for us to capture the clone and stop the downfall of the monarch. I think that they are planning on hitting the wedding. The first way to cause an all-out war against Adria is to kill off the Ambassadors and to make it seem like Adria is at fault for the matter. The organization the clone is working for would not have to do anything. The rest of the world would do it for them. They will put pressure to dissolve the monarch as they feel it is too weak to control the country and that way the organization will step in and put a man of their own as the new president of Adria and then they will have complete control of the country."

I have also had my suspicions about this mission. Now that Alex has also had the same suspicions, we are now much more prepared.

"Did you think you could get away from me?" it walks towards the podium. The guests have already started to stir. Bodyguards rush to their respective Ambassadors.

I look at my brother, Alexi, Lila, Noah, Megan, and Rosie. They glance between me and the clone. "What the hell," Alexi breaths.

"Nice of you to show up but we were in the middle of something," Alex says.

"Oh! Was I disturbing something," the clone says sarcastically. "Well, I brought a little wedding gift.

Men wearing combat clothes and holding assault rifles appear out of nowhere and train their weapons on us and the rest of the wedding guests. The guest's guards have gone defensive protecting their assigned clients.

"You lost," the clone laughs at me. "So sad it is really. I killed your mother but you were blamed for it. I caused the trouble and you were blamed for it just like you are going to be blamed for the slaughter that's going to take place here today. You all thought we were going after the royal family and you so totally failed to realize that you all were merely puppets whose stings I was pulling."

"I don't think so," I smile. "You see there is a reason why we are called an elite team of operatives. We give the illusion that we are puppets whose strings can be pulled but there aren't any strings, to begin with. The stings you think you're pulling is actually your own."

As if just on time our undercover agents pull out their own weapons. "Looks like we've evened out the playing field," Alex smiles. "Feel free to praise us."

I rip out my wedding gown skirt and underneath reveals my mission suit attached to the upper part of the gown and I pull out my gun which was carefully concealed. Alex just pulls out his gun and we both train our guns at the clone.

After all these years. Years of pain, planning, plotting, and chasing after my clone and the organization she works for the final battle has begun.  

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