First Flash Drive Then... The Unexpected

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I purposely wake up early so I don't run into Jamie or the others. As I leave the embassy the sun starts to rise and I decide to take a cool jog to the villa. An hour later I find myself outside the luxurious villa. I walk into the villa and find Zach sprawled on the couch eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning," I say.

"Hey," Zach says between bites. "You are here early."

"Yeah, I didn't feel like bumping into anyone," I plop down next to him and take his bowl of cereal. "I'm starving." I take a bite out of the corn flakes.

"You want some coffee?" Zach walks into the adjacent kitchen.

"Yep," I say as I down the rest of the corn flakes. "Where's everyone?"

"Zhenzhen and Max are down in the cyber cave and Alex is out jogging," Zach pours coffee into a huge mug and brings it over to me.

"Thanks," I take the mug from him.

"So what are you gonna do about the whole museum incident," Zach sits back down next to me.

"Honestly....I don't know," I sip my coffee.

Zach starts to say something when Alex walks into the villa drenched in sweat.

He sets his eyes on me and instantly there is a smile plastered on his face. "Goodmorning Milady."

He tried to hide it and if I wasn't a trained spy I wouldn't have even noticed the uneasiness in his eyes. Something was bothering him. I know he wouldn't want to talk about it now with Zach in the room so I file it in the back of my mind. I'd grill him later about it.

"Morning Alex," I smile.

"Is that coffee?" he walks up to us.

"Yeah, you want some?" I extend the cup to him.

"Definitely," he takes the cup from my outstretched hand.

He downs what's left in the cup, "I'm gonna shower and then we can join Max and Zhenzhen in the cyber cave."

"Cool," Zach says and Alex walks off to his room.

"Speaking of showers," I say. "I ought to get one after jogging here."

"Yeah I wasn't gonna say anything...but sister you stink," Zach blocks his nose.

"Oh shut up," I say but laugh anyway as I walk to one of the guest rooms to take a shower.


Half an hour later I find myself in the cyber cave with Max, Zhenzhen, Zach, and Alex.

"So we scanned the flash drive and you wouldn't believe what we found," Zhenzhen starts.

"Well don't take your time," Zach says impatiently.

"There are instructions and blueprints of a bomb on it," Max pulls up the contents of the flash drive on the big floor to ceiling screen. "It was in Russian so we are almost positive that your clone Grace is working for them."

"They are telling Grace 2.0 aka your clone to start the process this week," Zhenzhen takes over.

"They are planning on bombing the royal family and putting the pm in place of them. That way they have the power to change the monarchy to democracy and take over Adria slowly," Max says.

"So the pm is just a pawn to take over Adria," Alex states.

"And if that happens then the embassies would be affected," I say. "They can orchestrate things in such a way that countries would go to war with each other."

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