Mission Fail.... almost

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We arrived at the Adrian museum and I was immediately greeted by a friendly woman in her thirties, Miss Govender who was the museum manager. Alex and Zach had already left to get set up in the toilet. Since today the prime minister was gracing us with his wonderful presence I would start my official duties tomorrow. I offered to help with the drinks although there were waiters around.

I activated my coms and I began familiarising myself with the place.

"How are things going guys?" I whisper into my secret earpiece.

"So far so good," I hear Max's voice.

I then spot the prime minister as he walks into the museum. The museum is normally filled with tourists but today even Adrian citizens are here because the pm was visiting.

I roll my eyes and set out with my mission. I look to the tray of champagne in my hand and I discreetly drop the contents of the vile into one of the glasses.

"Showtime," I say to my friends on the other side of my coms.

I take the spiked glass in my hand and approach the pm. As I'm about to reach him someone grabs my hand and pulled me into a supply closet. All my reflexes are screaming for me to defend myself but it would only draw unwanted attention to myself.

So I let myself get pulled in. Once inside I turn around annoyed at whoever messed up my mission. Standing and looking back at me is none other than my Adrian friends, Alexi, Megan, Lila, Noah, Rosie, and Jamie. They are looking at me funnily. I know that look...it's the same look they gave me when I spoke about the scarred man.

"What the hell!" I say infuriated. "Why did you pull me in here?"

"We're saving you from creating an international disaster!" Jamie glares at me.

"What?!" I say. "What are you talking about?"

"Grace we saw you put something in the pm's drink," Rosie says quietly.

"Oh. My. Goodness," Now I'm pissed at them and myself for not being more vigilant about my surroundings. "I didn't add anything!"

"Gracie don't try to deny it," Jamie steps forward like he's trying to somehow save me. "What were you planning on doing? Huh? If you were had given him that drink, then what?"

I have never wanted to punch more than I wanted to right now.

"I knew you coming back all happy as if nothing had happened was too good to be true," Noah says.

I look at him in shock. They all truly believe that I'm crazy.

"I knew you were up to something," Megan looks at me. "I was wondering how you could go from saying the scarred man killed your mother to someone who acts like nothing happened."

"What is it now Gracie?" Alexi asks me tiredly. His face is full of pity. "Do you think the prime minister killed your mother now?"

The question hangs in the air. All of them looking at me like I was about to break like they were dealing with someone who should be in a psychiatric facility.

"Are you done?" I say with lethal calm. "Any more to say? You say I put something in his drink right," I take the champagne in my hand and I drink every last drop of it. When it's empty I turn it over to show them that nothing was left. "Can you see anything happening to me? Do I look drugged to you?"

They stare at me in shock. They didn't expect me to drink it. "Now I'm going back to work and then I don't want to see any of your faces," I say coldly and walk back into the museum.

"Grace are you okay?" Zhenzhen asks.

"I'm fine," I say. "Alex, how is it going?"

"It's done Milady," Alex's voice fills my ears. "PM's sound asleep in the toilet stall. Zach is already intercepting the drop."

"Good," I take a deep breath. "Clean up should be here any minute."

"Yeah, clean-up is 5 minutes out. They'll retrieve the pm and leave him in the tunnels,"

"Ok," I say as I resume my duties and watch as Zach dressed in a silicon suit of the prime minister. Everything down to the finest detail was just like the prime minister.

Noah, Jamie, Alexi, Megan, Lila, and Rosie come out of the supply closet and watch as the 'prime minister' walks to one exhibit.

I think back to events earlier and silently thank God for Max's quick thinking.

I'm busy pouring champagne into the tall glass's when Max's voice fills my ears. "Grace I need you to give Alex the spare vile I gave you," he instructs.

"Why?" I ask.

"Yeah why Max?" Alex joins in on our conversation.

"Grace your friends are here," Max says. "And from what I've gathered they might watch you like a hawk. In that case, you won't be able to spike the pm's drink. If that happens Alex will be on standby to take over and will join Zach in the toilets."

"No problem," Alex confirms.

"Okay," I say and carry the tray full of champagne out into the busy museum.

I see Noah, Lila, Megan, Alexi, Rosie, and Jamie leave the museum. Jamie tries to catch my eye but I expertly avoid it, like he wasn't there at all.

"Guys package acquired," Zach announces through coms.

"Copy that," Alex says. "Clean up just picked up the pm and are now dropping the blasted guy off in the tunnels just outside of his office."

"Great work guys," I compliment. "Let's rendezvous outside and get the package to base opps."

"Got it," Zach ends off.

"See you outside Milady," Alex says

We meet outside and Zach hands me a black flash drive, "Well done Zach, or should I say, Mr. Prime Minister."

"Thank you very much," he gives a dramatic bow.

"We should get going," Alex announces. "We need to get back pronto."

We all assemble in the car and begin our journey to the villa our base of operations.

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