Welcome back to Embassy Row

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We drive up into Embassy Row and I watch as we pass by the different embassies. Then I see the American embassy come into view. The gates open and my breath catch in my throat. I force myself to stay calm. I get out of the range rover and Jamie helps me take out my bags.

"You ready Gracie?" Jamie asks.

It's funny how a building can be so intimidating. I look at the big oak doors and know once I walked in things are going to change. I remind myself that I am here for a reason and nothing else matters but accomplishing my goal. I take a deep breath, smile, and say, "As ready as I can be."

We enter the embassy. The place where I spent most of my childhood days. I can almost see my younger self running behind Jamie and Alexi. I see Ms. Chancellor come down the stairs. "Grace? Oh my dear God." She rushes to me. "I can't believe it's you." She pulls me into a tight hug. "It's been such a long time dear."

"It has. It's nice to see you, Ms. Chancellor." I smile.

"Look at you, you've grown up so much!" She says joyfully. "This is such a pleasant surprise!"

"Where's grandpa?" I ask. "I can't wait to see his reaction."

"Oh he'll be surprised alright" Ms. Chancellor laughs.

"Come on Gracie" Jamie interrupts. "Why don't we leave your things in your room and then you can surprise grandpa" He turns to Ms. Chancellor. "Where is he, Ms. Chancellor?"

"Oh, he's in his office." She says.

"Okay then we'll leave my bags up first," I say and Jamie and I walk to what used to be my room.

When I enter the room I realize that nothing has changed about it. Memories threaten to come rushing out but I use all my will to push them out. Again I remind myself why I'm here and remind myself to keep my focus.

"Everything is still the same," Jamie says after he places the bags next to the bed.

"It looks great," I smile.

Jamie looks at me uncertainly and suddenly he laughs and shakes his head. "What...why are you laughing? What's so funny Jamie?" I ask genuinely perplexed.

"You look a lot better Gracie." He walks to the window and gases out. "I honestly was a bit concerned bringing you here. I debated whether I should bring you here or just put you up in another room." He turns to me and smiles. "I'm happy you're okay Gracie."

"You mean you're happy I'm not crazy anymore," I say with a smirk.

"Gracie I didn't-"

"It's okay Jamie" I laugh. "I was joking. I'm fine...have been for a long time. Now come on I want to see the look on grandpa's face when I surprise him." I grin and start walking to grandpa's office with Jamie in tow.

I come to my grandpa's office doors. I turn to Jamie "You go in first and say you want grandpa to meet someone and then I'll come in." I'm actually excited about seeing my grandfather.

"Ok" Jamie smiles and knocks on the door. I hear a gruff 'come in' and Jamie goes in leaving the door slightly ajar. Jamie says exactly what I told him to say and as he says 'come in' to me, I burst into the room with a huge grin on my face. "Grandpa!"

He looks at me with a shocked face. It's like he's seeing a ghost. I burst out laughing at the look on his face, even Jamie starts to chuckle. "Surprised you didn't I? You know Jamie I knew I would surprise him but I think I've shocked him speechless."

"Grace," grandpa lets out a breath. "I can't believe you are here."

"Well, you could get over your shock and give your granddaughter a hug," I say with sarcasm in my voice.

He immediately gets up from his chair and walks over to me with a smile on his face. He grabs me in a tight hug. "It's so good to see you, Gracie. I've missed you"

"Missed you too," I say as he releases me.

"When did you arrive," he asks.

"Jamie picked me up from the airport. I told him to keep it a secret as I wanted to surprise everyone." I look at my grandfather and see how tired he looks. He really has aged through the years.

"Why don't you get settled in and then we can all have diner together" he suggests.

"That would be lovely." I smile. "I should go unpack."

"Oh no you don't," Jamie says. "You still haven't seen the rest of the gang. I have asked them to come over and they're already here waiting in the garden outside. They think I just called them to hang out but actually, you're surprising them."

"You did what?!" I say calmly masking my need to strangle him. I planned on seeing grandpa first and the mentally preparing myself for meeting with the others. Now Jamie's plans have totally caught me off guard.

"You heard me," he says sheepishly. "And you can't bail because as I said they are already here."

It's fine I say to myself. I have been trained to manage situations that come out of the blue. I smile brightly and say, "Well since they're already here I might as well surprise them now."

"Then I'll see you all for diner," grandpa says as he goes back to sit at his desk, and Jamie and I walk out.

"I better go freshen up," I say. "If they see me like this they'll probably start running."

"You're right," Jamie laughs. "You look like crap."

"Gee thanks Jamie," I give him a dead look and stalk towards my room and I hear his laughter echoing behind me. 

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