Reasons and Explanations

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This goes back 7 years to when I was 13 years old. Yes, the year my mother died. My parents heard of this wonderful school that shapes its students into wonderful adults and makes them into the perfect person. Apparently, it had a 100% success rate. It was called Point Blanc. They thought it would be a good change. So they sent me to the French Alps to this school Point Banc.

When I had arrived at Point Blanc it was in a place that was completely cut off from society. The place was like a military place. They were strict but something was sketchy about the place. Only rich people could afford to come here so when I say important people made their children come here I mean presidents to kings to generals and people who have a great influence in government. Teenagers who here there for longer than 2 months were completely different. Something was wrong with them. They were like robots. Point Blanc was also the place where I met Alex Rider. He was also a new student like me but there was something special about him. We become friends really quickly and we both leaned on each other. I then found out that Alex was not your ordinary handsome teenage boy. He was a spy sent in by MI6 to investigate the school. We both found out that Dr. Grief, the headmaster of the school made clones of himself and made them look like the students. It was also why the students who were there for more than 2 months acted so strangely. They were the clones of Dr. Grief. Dr. Grief planned it in such a way that he would swap the real children with his clones. Alex and I found a way and in the end, all the clones were taken away and the real children were reunited with their families.

But it doesn't stop there. Turns out there was a clone that looked exactly like me and it got away. Months later it found out where I live and it came for some sort of twisted revenge. It came into our home and it shot my mother. I used the same gun to shoot and kill it. For a long time, I thought I was the cause of my mother's death and many people thought so too. The only difference is that I didn't shoot my mother Grief's clone did and because Dominic saw the clone he thought it was me. Because I couldn't handle the trauma my brain blocked out the clone killing my mother and me killing it. My family all thought I killed my mum as there was gunpowder residue on my hands and they thought I was going crazy. 4 years ago I met Alex again and he told me about this organization called WOOHP which stands for the World Organisation Of Human Protection. They had a suspicion on really happened and they wanted me to join them. They offered me closure and offered to help me find the truth. At that time when Alex approached me everyone on the embassy row had started to believe I was delusional and was going crazy, even my friends were beginning to think so. They tried hard to believe me but there was no evidence and what I was trying to prove sounded crazy.

I agreed to work for WOOHP but I couldn't tell anyone about the organization. WOOHP is an organization that only the presidents and intelligence services of every country know about it. They pick the best of the best and the people with the potential to become spies. Spies that work for WOOHP are only teenagers and young adults. I was put through training and then was paired with a team that consisted of Alex Rider from London, Max who specializes in computers and tech from Australia, Zach from Spain, Yan Zhenzhen from China, and Alice from South Africa. We all come from different places and we all had our own troubled pasts and pain. We gradually become really close. They were the only ones who never judged me they understood and if it weren't for my team the people who gradually become family I wouldn't have survived. Whenever I was awoken by my nightmares Alex would be right there to coax me. He never forced me to talk about it. He sat with me and when I decided to talk he would just listen and when I didn't want to talk he just sat with me, a silent comfort that he would be there no matter what.

Alice and Max handle all the tech for our missions. They give us our gadgets and are what we call overwatch. They handle the surveillance and have our backs when Zach, Alex, Zhenzhen and I are on missions.

In the past four years, we have all went on various missions together around the world. We all live together in America. It's in Hawaii Oahu. The house is pretty big and peaceful. It is located in a private part of the island. The beach is right outside so it can be amazing at times and the property has a great security system. It's a good place to relax after missions. It has been really good and therapeutic for not only me but for all of us. After some time, I finally recalled what had happened the day my mum died. Two months ago we got intel regarding my lookalike. She was here in Adria and she was working with the prime minister of Adria to overthrow the royal family. My team and I were sent in to find out what the prime minister has planned, to protect the royal family and protect Adria using whatever means necessary.

That now brings me here, in my room gazing out of my window. My team are all held up in a house in Adria. WOOHP has a house in most countries that are specially set up for agents during missions. It's a place that's a base of operations and a place where agents get to train and stay. It's kind of like a safe house. Our base of operations is disguised under a rich man who is a deep cover WOOHP agent. The story is that a business mogul bought the premises as a vacation home. My team is posing as the business man's adopted children who have come to spend the summer in Adria.

I decide to get at least an hour of sleep because I have serious jet lag. When I wake up I will get ready for dinner with my family and friends and prepare myself for telling them about my 'boyfriend'.  

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