Let's Nail This Mission

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"You ready?" Alex asks me through my phone speaker as I get ready for the day that lies ahead.

"Alex we've done this a thousand times," I say as I comb back a stray strand of hair.

"Yeah but it's the first time in Adria," Alex says in a matter of fact.

"I'll be fine," I dismiss. "I'll see you outside."

"Ok see you Milady," Alex cuts the call.

I take a deep breath. Today is the handoff between the prime minister and the organization my clone is working for. I grab my backpack and head for the dining room.

I walk in to find the others had already started. "Good morning everyone."

"Morning," the other's chorus.

I kiss my grandfather on the cheek and sit down. I quietly dish out my food and go over the plan for today in my head. Suddenly there is a quietness around the table and I look up to find everyone staring at me. "What?"

"I asked if you are ready for today," Alexi eyed me suspiciously.

"Oh!" I smile. "I'm excited but a little nervous." The others look at me suspiciously but then go back to their meals.

A wave of sudden anger rises within me. I know that look. They think that I was lost in my head again that I was thinking of the scarred man. They think I'm lying about the job at the museum. They think that I'm going to course an international incident going after the scared man. I get up without even finishing my food. "I should get going. Alex is waiting for me. Bye," I say dismissively and walk out the room.

I find Alex waiting for me outside the embassy gates. I wordlessly walk up to the car and get inside.

"What's wrong," Alex starts the ignition.

"They think I'm lying," I don't need to tell him anything more. That's the beauty of my relationship with Alex. I don't need to say a mouthful of things. He just connects the dots and understands without having me to explain.

He just nods and we start our journey to our base of operations. We arrive at our opps center ten minutes later. I'm immediately greeted by Zach and Zhenzhen.

"Grace!" Zach gives me a huge hug. He is tall, lean, and muscular. Zach is olive-skinned matched with deep green eyes. Basically, he is handsome and is a very skilled snipper and fighter.

"Hi Zach," I say genuinely happy to see him. Zach is one of those happy go lucky types. He loves playing around and knows exactly how to make us laugh but when we are out on the field...let's just say I'd rather have him having my back out there than anyone else.

"Move over Zach," Zhenzhen playfully pushes him out of the way and hugs me.

"Guys we have to get inside," Alex says lightly. "Max is blowing up my phone."

We walk into the luxurious house. Well calling it a house is putting it lightly. It's more like a villa. The beach is the backyard for this place. We pass an enormous family room with a dining room and kitchen attached to it. We go to the basement where what you call a man cave is but undercover teenage spies call it our cyber cave. We are greeted by a skinny boy with unruly curly black hair and blue and black glasses.

"Hey Max," I say and sit on one of the cushions.

"Hi Grace," Max greets me while typing away. "So we just got intel that the drop is happening earlier than expected."

"That's fine," Zach says. "We've dealt with bigger setbacks bigger than this."

"Indeed we have," Max finally turns to us. "Now let me give you your gadgets. Zhenzhen if you will."

Zhenzhen gets up excitedly and directs us to the gadget area. "So we have received this new gadget courtesy of Smithers from MI6. He sends his regards Alex." She showcases an ordinary fountain pen.

"So what does it do," Alex asks.

"This is how you guys are going to get rid of the real prime minister," she says giddily. "Just twist it and stab him with it. He won't feel a thing. It's just like a mosquito bite. It'll knock him out cold."

"Cool," I say.

There is also this here," Max hands me a vile.

"What's this," I turn it over in my hands.

"Let's just say once you put it into his drink he'll be running to the toilet where Alex will stab him with the tranquilizer."

"Got it," I say and pocket the vile while Alex pockets the pen.

"Once you receive the package I want all three of you to escort the package here," Zhenzhen says seriously. "It's safer that way."

"Rodger that," Zach says. "We'll hang an 'out of order' sign on the toilet door and take it down when the prime minister has his little toilet urge. And then I'll walk out dressed like him and Alex will replace the sign."

"Good," Zhenzhen says. "So now that you all have been debriefed you should get going."

"Thanks, guys," I hug both Max and Zhenzhen. Then Alex, Zach, and I start our journey to the museum. 

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