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Harry landed at  Grimmauld place with a smile on his face. His hair was wind blown, looking more unruly than usual. He loved being in the air, and being with Draco, friends, ad family had made it that much better. He stepped off his nimbus and stretched, sighing contentedly. Draco and the others followed him into the house, but were stopped abruptly by Harry who stopped in the foyer. The all came in around him. There was a man in there but Draco didn't recognise him, though he felt he should. 

"Rumus!" Harry shouted, making the older man rush into the room. 

"What's wrong Harry?" He asked, but the grin on his face showed he wasn't all that concerned. Harry turned to him with a starstruck look on his face, tears brimming in his eyes. 

"I- I thought t-that he wasn't gonna-" his sentence cut off as tears started streaming down his face. Making Draco increasingly alarmed, he was going to comfort Harry but Tonks held him back.

"Just give it a second, kid." They whispered in his ear. Taking him by the shoulder. Suddenly Harry rushed into the room almost tackled the man in a hug, clearly sobbing into his jacket. The man smiled softly and hugged the boy back, running a hand through Harry's hair. Harry finally pulled back before smiling one of the brightest smiles Draco had ever seen from him.

"I thought you were dead Padfoot!" Harry exclaimed.

"What? No kiddo, how could I leave my husband and Godson?" I was just resting. He smiled bigger this time, ruffling Harry's hair in a loving manner. 

"Surius." Draco said, "that's who he is." No wonder he looked so familiar, he'd seen him on the news a few times. Harry looked back at him with an eyebrow cocked.

"Yes babe, this is Sirius." He said slowly as if he was talking to a child.

"Hush, will you?" Draco said back, but he smiling brightly. He loved seeing Harry so happy, but as his eyes traveled to Sirius it faded. If looks could kill Draco would be six feet under.

"Babe?" Sirius questioned turning his glare onto his son. "Harry you better explain."

"Oops sorry Dadfoot, this is Draco Malfoy, my boyfriend. And your not allowed to kill him."

"Um. . . I did not approve this message." Sirius said looking at Remus. 

"Well no, you didn't. But I did." Remus said in response. His look dared his husband to challenge him. The older man's look faltered. 

"But, he -he's-" Sirius gestured to Draco. A look of helplessness on his face.

"Come on Padfoot, Draco has been nothing but good to Harry. I would know I've teaching them." Remus said, a smile on his face. A look of shock crosses Sirius' face, before another smile breaks through it. He rushed over to the man, Draco temporarily forgotten, and swept him into a hug, twirling him into the air, laughter swirling around the both of them. 

"You finally did it!" He shouted with glee.

"Yes, yes I did." Remus agreed hugging the man tightly. He still wasn't used to having Sirius back in his arms and to say he was a little scared he would go away again was an understatement. Meanwhile Harry made his way over to Draco, pulling him away from Tonks. His lover looked quite petrified.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Harry said, brushing a hand across the blonds face. He said it for Draco as much as he said it for himself. He was really scared that Sirius wasn't going to like Draco, and he wasn't really sure what he would do if he didn't have Draco. The male always calmed him down, and helped him with classes. He subconsciously started chewing his lip as thoughts of how everything would be without Draco tumbled about in his mind.

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