Dads and Fathers

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Draco was in his room after a study session with Harry. He has been getting significantly better with herbology. Just the past week he has scored an 86 on a quiz. Draco was extremely proud of him, his boyfriend.

It was still hard for him to comprehend the concept. Harry Potter was his boyfriend. They were both incredibly awkward, not having been in a relationship before. Tentative kisses were shared and they held hands all the time. But it wasn't very comfortable.

They didn't know what the other wanted or was okay with. Draco especially, he knew Harry had a rough past and still had internalized homophobia.

It made Draco really upset to be honest. All the hatred on gay wizards and witches. He knew that it was wrong and that he and Harry shouldn't be scared to be who they were, but insecurities got to him as well.

He wished Harry didn't wake up in a cold sweat with nightmares about beatings and slurs. He wished that they didn't have to only act like a couple in secret. Afraid of prying eyes and vicious opinions.

Draco calmed himself down and got started on his DADA homework. Remus had been a vast improvement and Draco was one of his favorite students. They were constantly interacting with the spells and creatures if permitted and the learning was fun.

It was also amazing to see Harry flourish so thoroughly as a star pupil, not because of his relation to the teacher, but his dedication. It was clear to see he really cared about learning about that topic.

Draco once again teared his thoughts away from his lover and started on the essay he was to write on Boggarts. They were going to meet one tomorrow, Draco was honestly not very thrilled about it.

They were said to embody someone's greatest fear and he didn't know what his was. There were too many things to be afraid of in the world. Way too many things.

The door to his room swung open and a tall lean man with long blond hair walks in.

"Father?" Draco questions, he never came to the school, not unless something was wrong. "What has happened?"

"Nothing bad son." he replies turning his angled face towards his only child. "The Lord has become quite powerful."

Dracos heart drops and his face drains of color. Voldemort. That was what this was about. Draco had had very little information about how the dark side was doing. He honestly didnt want to know. 

He hated that his father was a part of the Death Eaters. It went against his very soul. To kill and harm for personal gain was disgusting to him. He knew what Voldemort had done to Harry, it boiled his blood made him want to yell at his father for even thinking that what  the snake-like man was doing was okay. But Draco didn't dare. His father would kill him. No hesitation. One thing was for certain, his father was loyal souly to Voldemort, and no one would get in the way of that. It didn't matter if it was family or not.

So instead of him blowing up Draco says, "That's amazing father but what does this have to do with me?"

"Ah son you are doing something very important. You see the Dark Lord is running low on his followers. So you are to join us, and get the Dark Mark." Pride gleamed in Lucius' eyes.

Draco's only held fear. What was he to do? He didn't want the Dark Mark burned into him. Forever labeling him as the bad guy, the murderer, the person who ruined everyone's lives. 

What was he going to tell Harry? What was he going to tell his friends? They wouldn't hate him. They had all fumed about Voldy multiple times. But what if word got out? What if Pansy and Blaise had to marked too? What if Harry did? 

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