The Malfoy Manor

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Harry said his goodbyes to the rest of the Gryffindor house, or those he knew. Most that knew him personally were confused as to why he Ron and Hermione were leaving early, and with the three other Slytherins. Harry wished, kind of, that he could tell them. If only to stop the questions. But he refrained. As demonstrated by the incident with Hermione earlier in the year, Dean really didn't know how to keep a secret. No hate, just maybe not a good person to tell his entire life story to. Ginny, and by way of her Luna, were the only two students to know what was going on. Both Remus and Dumbledor were aware as well. Harry gave Luna a firm hug, enveloping her in his rather broad build. They were about the same height but she was thinner. 

"Take care of Ginny for me okay? And treat her better than I did, she deserves you." Harry whispered to the blond.

"Of course Harry. I would never hurt her." Luna replied in her usually airy voice. Harry recently found out about his Ex's and her relationship, he was glad they found each other.

"Ready?" Hermione called to him from the doorway. He nodded, looked at his friends one last time, and headed out of the door. They reached the Slytherin dormitories quickly, there wasn't classes that day. However when they came up to Dracos room there seemed to be a scuffle happening. Pushing through the crowd surrounding whatever it was Harry saw Draco pinned under none other than Crabbe. Harry sighed rather loudly and slung his backpack off of his shoulder. He hoped to get the bigger boy off of his boyfriend without sustaining any injuries. But when he saw how Draco's eye bloodied and his lib busted, he wasn't closed to the idea of landing a few hits on Crabbe.

"Hey!" He shouted, "leave him alone!"

"Oh no, The Chosen One is here," Crabbe mocked, still keeping a tight hold on the blond.

"Yeah yeah, you really should come up with better insults." Harry muttered to himself. He walked up to the brunette and kicked him firmly in the stomach; making Crabbe, and everyone around him, cringe.

Taking advantage of the vunrability Harry lugged the larger boy off of his lover. Then helped Draco up, allowing his to rest upon his shoulder; resisting the urge to fuss over him like a mother in front of so many people. He ran quickly into Draco's room, both upset and thankful that his boyfriend forgot to lock his door. He set the Slytherin down on his bed, ignoring his friends as they filtered in.

"Dray?" Harry asked softly brushing the white blond hair out of his eyes.

"Harry is that you?" His voice was cracked and rough.

"Yea, I'm right here, we're gonna get you cleaned up okay?"

"Are you okay?" He asked, straining to sit up.

"Yes Dray, I'm just fine. Just chill for a second okay?" Harry was trying to stay calm, but he couldn't help the increasing worry for Draco. He wasn't one to get into a fight unnecessarily. After getting the blond clean and some water Harry let his barricade down. 

"What happened? Why did he do that? Are you okay? I already asked that. Do you need anything else?" Harry rambled concern glistening behind his glasses.

"Harry, love, calm down. If you wish to know, he started being rude to us because we were leaving with you guys. He thought it was his responsibility to put us in our place, whatever that is. He tried to hit Pansy, and I intercepted him. I didn't realize how strong he'd become. And yes I'm fine, thanks to you." Draco explained.

"That bastard. I'm so sorry Draco." Hermione said, now standing close to Pansy. She was clearly glad that her girlfriend wasn't hit. 

"Yeah." Harry agreed. He placed a small kiss on Draco's temple. "Do you still want to leave or do you want to stay a little longer?"

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