The letter

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Harry sat down in the great hall, peering around the vast room to find Draco looking at him, shooting his lover a quick wink his eyes turned to the letter windows, as the students of Hogwarts called them. Every morning owls filtered into the room going to the students from all over. Harry hadn't gotten a letter in a very long time, everyone who would want to contact him were either dead or at Hogwarts. Besides the Durselys, but they don't have a way to get to him, and even if they did Harry doubted they would want to speak to him. No harm no foul in his book. 

However on this Wednesday morning Hedwig made her way gracefully from one of the windows, bringing with her a stream of cold air. It sent a shiver down Harry's spine, spreading throughout his ribs and into his limbs, chilling him from the inside out. Setting a small envelope in front of him Hedwig rested peacefully on his shoulder, he pooled his scarf around that area so the snowy owl didn't puncture his skin. Carefully Harry picked up the letter. His eyes carefully examined the cursive on the front, narrow, tall, and overly loopy. He already had a hunch on who sent the letter but the address on the back set it in stone. 4 Pivit Drive, England.

This letter was from his Aunt and Uncle.

Immediately he shook Hermione's shoulder who was reading the Daily Prophet. She looked up at him with a rather irritated expression.

"What is it Harry?"

"It's from the Dursley's." He whispered.

Her head whipped to the letter, eyes widening as she read the address. He opened the envelope carefully, listening to the soft crinkle as paper separated from glue. He pulled the parchment out and read over the letter. This is what it read.

Dear Harry,

We know that you have been going to your disgusting friends Ron for the holidays in the past. That's thanks to your little squib friend that used to babysit you. She was rather helpful.

We have written this to inform you that you will return to the home we have so graciously offered to you this holiday. Your Uncle will be at the station and if he sees you go with that filthy little scum, we will take away your food for the week you get back. 

Do not think you can outsmart us. Do not try and stop this, you are going to come home. And don't think about showing this to your friends, or that will get you a whole new set of punishments.

Don't disobey fag,

Aunt Penutia 

Harry could practically feel the anger radiating off his sister as hot tears fell from his cheeks. They wet the page beneath him lifting the black ink his Aunt had used to write the letter. How funny he thought, that such small words could tear his heart from his chest. This time he wasn't risking himself, he was risking his best friends. He couldn't do that, could he?


His mind cycled through different escape routs, how would he get out of this. Leave early? No that was a fee that the Weasley couldn't afford. And he couldn't pay it for himself and all the Weasleys. He rested his head in his hands.

He thought he was free, over the summer he would have to go back, but just one week away from them was a blessing to him. His foolproof plan was crumbling, what was he going to tell the others? He couldn't go to Grimmauld, Remus had to stay at Hogwarts to take care of his creatures. What would Draco do? Probably come with him and beat the living shit out of his family. And though Harry wouldn't mind that, he didn't think it would turn out well for anyone. He knew he would have tell his boyfriend what the letter entailed, his anxiety was going to be high and he would need Draco to help him calm down.

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