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Hermione Pov

It was early in the morning as I walked out of the boys dorm. It was a bit shocking waking up next to Harry again. But I quickly remembered what had happened and understood. I decided to let the boy sleep in a little. He had Quidditch practice in an couple hours, hopefully that would cheer him up a bit. 

I smile as I get ready for the day. I brush out my hair and slip on my sweater. I reluctantly pull on the skirt. They were so short! It was infuriating. How was anyone supposed to get an education when they can't even stand without worrying about their ass being out? I fume silently as I tie my tie. I smile again thinking about the one time I had to help Ron with his tie. Ron. My smile fades. What was I to do?

Pansy was obviously a playing factor in the decision. I had avoiding my boyfriend for the sake of Harry. But looking back it was an alarmingly easy choice. Harry or Ron? Harry. My best friend over my boyfriend any day. Of course I had told myself, I still loved Ron, he was just being an arse. But the longer I spent away from him, and the more that small meetings with Pansy piled up, I wasn't as sure I did love him anymore.

It was scary to think about really, the boy I had fallen in love with in second year was now nothing more to me than a friend. I sighed and walked down to the common room, surprised to see Ron up. He looked at me when I entered.

"Oh, hello Hermione" He said normally.

"Hello Ron" I say a little too sharply prompting the red head to look at me with confusion.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He asks oblivious 

"Because you were being an arse to Harry." I say matter of factly.

"But we made up!" He exclaims.

"Yeah well you avoiding him like the plague wasn't exactly 'we made up' behavior." He looks down at this. It was true, Harry had tried to talk to him multiple times, even though Ron was the one who acted out of place. Every single time Ron walked off or started to talk to someone else. It was childish.

"Hermione what are we?" I look at him with shock, he's rubbing his hands together nervously. I suppose I was asking the same question earlier, so I answer truthfully 

"I don't know, but I think we both know it wasn't what it was before." I sit down in the chair next him, propping my head on one hand.

"I agree" he says solemnly. I can tell this is harder on him than it is on me. 

I wish it wasn't this way. I wish I could love him and not have to worry about Pansy. But I couldn't have that wish, so I sit back in silence listening to Ron breath beside me, and think of all the things I had to do today. I run through my classes. Then my possible homework. Then of what had happened the previous night about how Harry and Ginny would fare. But none of things seemed to distract from that girl trapped in my heart.

A few minutes later Harry comes all done up in his Quidditch garb. I smile at him as he comes down. He looks a bit tired, but not as shaken from the break up as I thought he'd be. Huh. 

"Did you tell him?" Harry asks sitting down on the arm of my chair.

"About what?"

"Ginny" Ron looks up at Harry at the mention of his sister.

"What about Ginny?" He asks on edge.

"Calm it down" The brunette replies bitterly "We broke up, I just wanted to tell you myself. I didn't want to hurt her."

"What! Why?" Ron exclaims 

"Because I didn't love her anymore, and I didnt want to force myself into a relationship I didn't want." I thought that Harry's reasoning was perfectly valid. Apparently Ron did not.

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