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Disclaimer!! Contains spoilers of the actual books. So um if you don't want those i suggest you stop reading now. Also please read this for clarification.

Blue here, I just wanted to say some stuff about this book. I was reading up on the books and what all happened in them. I've read most if not all of the books twice, but i can't remember a lot of what happened per book. Fun, especially when writing a book about it. I know most of you are here for a good old drarry fic, and probably won't mind if a few things are off. However i would like to make this book as accurate as possible,of course with the necessary changes. As in gay shit. So here are a few things i would like to clear up and change for you all.

1. This book will take place in their 6th year. I know i said it was their 7th but i changed because they don't really have a 7th year. Hermione, Ron, and Harry are out looking for horcruxes.

2. The Dursleys did abuse Harry. Only some physical, mostly mental. The big outburst of his at the beginning was their doing as well as his own internalized homophobia. Harry is also a very public figure and has insecurities about how others see him that adds to his issues. There is also something that will happen later that will show another reason but that will not be disclosed at this time.

3. Draco will become a death eater later, but it will be later. So yeah.

4. okay so I read up and saw that Dumbledore died in the fifth book after destroying a horcrux. Coolio rest in peace you beautiful beautiful man. However I need Draco and Harry to be on good terms in this book. So I'm bout to fuck this whole time line up.

Here's what's going on. Dumbledore and Harry haven't gone on the trip to destroy the horcrux yet. It will happen don't worry. But I will be changing some aspects of his death later on. Such as Snape and Dracos escape. 

Like I said previously Draco Is not yet a official death eater, that will come later. Also if won't put a great divide in their relationship so dont cha worry bout that.

5. Idk if this was clear or not but I have no clue what their schedules are like. So I'm just gonna but some made up schedule down here in What it would be like if they had a more modern schedule.

Draco, Pansy, Blaise:

Breakfast 7:00-8:45

D.A.D.A 9:00-10:00

Transfiguration 10:10-11:10

History of magic 11:20- 12:20

Potions 12:30- 1:30

Lunch 1:40-2:40

 Charms 2:50-3:50

Herbology 4:00-5:00

Break 5:00-6:00


Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Ancient Runes 6:10-7:10

Tuesday, Thursday: Care of Magical Creatures 6:10-7:10

Dinner 7:30-8:50

Harry Hermione, Ron:

Breakfast 7:00-8:00

History of magic 9:00-10:00

Charms 10:10-11:10

Potions 11:20-12:20

Transfiguration 12:30-1:30

Lunch 1:40-2:40

D.A.D.A 2:50-3:50

Herbology 4:00-5:00


Tuesday Thursday: 5:10-6:10 

Monday Wednesday Thursday: 5:10-8:10


Monday Thursday Wednesday: Divination 9:00-10:00

Tuesday, Thursday: Care of Magical Creatures 6:10-7:10

Dinner 7:30-8:50

Quidditch Practice (Draco,Harry,Ron,Blaise,Pansy)

Tuesday and Thursday morning 5:00-6:00

I know usually the schedules change by day but this one took me so long T^T.

6. Quidditch teams!


Chaser Ghram Montague

Chaser Adrian Puncy 

Chaser C. Warrington

Beater Pansy Parkinson

Beater Blaise Zambini

Keeper Miles Beltchly 

Seeker Draco Malfoy


Chaser Katie Bell

Chaser Ginny Weasley

Chaser Dean Thomas

Beater George Weasley

Beater Fred Weasley

Keeper Ron Weasley

Seeker Harry Potter

I tried my best. Some of the Slytherin team is wack because i don't think Pansy or Blaise is on it at anytime but still i wanted them to.

7. I made Snape headmaster because I thought Dumbledore was on hiatus and Snape took his place. But uhh that didn't happen, so we're going to pretend that he is just looking for where the horcruxes are. And has stepped down. I realize Snape was appointed to head master by way of voldy, however I'm going to use the logic that snape informed Dumbledore of Voldemorts wants of his leading and Dumbledore stepped down to show the illusion of snape taking control.

8. Use this chapter if you have any questions about the logistics of the book. I might update this if more points need to be made/edited. Again if anything at all confuses you please don't hesitate to ask in the comments. I will answer to you specifically if I feels it's only something your confused about our add on here if i need to widely address it. No shame dudes if you are confused. And feel free to help each other out if you want!

Thanks for reading, this was much longer than anticipated.


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