His People

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Harry awoke sleepily, snuggled warmly into Draco's chest. The blond had his arms wrapped firmly around Harry's waist holding the boy flush to him. The shorter male and his friends had been there for four days, today marking the fifth, Christmas. Harry had never particularly enjoyed Christmas, mostly because he would have to wait upstairs in his bedroom while his cousin Dudly opened an absurd about of packages. But he couldn't help the smile that worked its way onto his face as he thought about spending the Holiday with the people he loved the most. 

He placed a soft kiss on Draco's cheek before wiggling his way out of the blonds death grip. Harry got out of bed, yawning and made his way down the stairs. To his surprise Moony and Dadfoot were already up and talking quietly on the couch.

"Well, I guess almost dying really made you an early riser,  huh?" Harry said to Sirius.

"Harry!" Remus exclaimed, looking at Sirius, who was dying of silent laughter. 

"What? I've done it a couple of times, it messes up your sleep schedule." Harry said, smiling at the familiar rumble of his godfathers laugh as it broke out of him. Once Padfoot had recovered, his face become solemn, allowing Harry to see the eye bags under the mans eyes.

"Nightmares?" Harry asked quietly, sitting down beside them on the couch. Sirius nodded silently, looking down. "Having someone with you . . . it helps you a lot. They don't go away, but waking up to someone you care about, it makes you feel safe. And please." He looked into Padfoots eyes with his own. "Never bottle them up, it hurts."

"Oh Harry, you shouldn't have ever had to deal with anything you have." Remus said.

"But there's not much we can do about that is there?" The teen said bitterly, he didn't direct the tone towards his godfathers. But he had a right to feel bad about all the shit life had put him through. Remus and Sirius shared a look.

"Well." Remus started. "Maybe there is, we know you're almost an adult but we wanted to give you give you this." He said, handing Harry a gift bag. He looked suspiciously at the two men. He slowly pulled out the green tissue paper, pulling out a piece of paper. He read it over. Once his bright green eyes reached the bottom of the page, the looked up at his two smiling godparents.

Make that parents. 

"Y-you adopted me?" Harry whispered, tears brimming behind his glasses. "How? The Durslys?"

"We took care of it all, Bud." Remus said, tears forming in his own eyes. 

"You're my dads?" Harry said, letting the words sink in, before a huge smile was plastered on his face. He jumped up from the couch, continuing to jump up and down like a child in excitement. "You're my Dads!" He shouted, unable to keep his emotions in. 

Suddenly multiple foot steps rushed down the stairs, revealing a worried looking Draco, Hermione and Pansy. "What is wrong?" Draco asked, coming up to his beaming boyfriend.

"They adopted me." Harry said, looking up at Draco. Unnoticed tears streamed down his cheeks. "I never have to go back home again. I never have to go home again." He said again, letting this reality sink in as well. Draco, stood in shock for a minute, before wrapping Harry in a hug. He picked him up slightly, twirling the brunette.

"I'm so glad, baby." Draco said smiling, placing a small kisses on his lovers cheek. But he was pulled off by a crying Hermione, who launched into her brothers arms. Harry buried his head in her curls. He loved Draco. But Hermione had been with him every step of the way, she felt the pain he did, the sorrow, the hope, the disappointment. She knew better than anyone else how much this meant to him. 

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