Home Early

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*Homophobic slurs used, I don't condone it at all, but  Lucius is hitching a ride to bitchin town*

(Amazing line from @emeraldmoon14)

"Hello honey." Narcissa greeted her husband in a sickly sweet tone. 

"Hello." He greeted back, pushing his coat to her, "Are the children here yet?"

"Yes," she replied seeing no point in lying. "Draco is upstairs showing them around."

"Good." He left her to deal with his case and coat, walking swiftly up the stairs. He reached his sons room, leaning his ear against the door. He heard indistinct chatter and laughter. He smiled slightly, he wasn't heartless and wanted his son to be happy. But  Lucius' and Draco's ideas of happy were anything but similar.

Draco wanted to grow up with his husband and live a happy and successful life as an Auror.

 Lucius wanted Draco to take his place as Voldemorts right hand man when the older man passed. And didn't want his son the be gay. But we all don't get what we want do we?

He slowly cracked open the door peering inside to see something that did not please him. 

The brown haired girl. What was her name? Granger. She sat on the lap of Parkinson, tucking her head into the crook of the Slytherins neck. Parkinson had a hand wrapped lazily around the other girls waist, pointing accusingly at a certain scarred Gryffindor. Potter stood in front of Lucius' son, one of his own hands pointed at Parkinson. Draco covered his face, which was a blushing mess, with his hands. Repeatedly knocking his head lightly against Potter's shoulder.

Of course this could have been written off as a happenstance. They were just hanging out, and the girls happened to be extremely close. But this alternate option was not available. For Harry had chosen the most terrible time say what he was about to.

He tried to hold up a strong facade, but laughter battled with his serious face. In a mix between laughter and gasping for breath Potter says," Bullshit Pansy, we all know Dray and I are the better couple." 

"Draco!" Lucius bellowed startling all of the teenagers in the room. "What is this?" He asked, calming himself into a rather eerie tone. One that ment the Draco was not going to get out of this unscathed. Along with him probably the rest of them.

"Father". Draco said, standing protectively in front of Harry. He knew he didn't hold a candle to  Lucius power as he was still a student; but there was no way in hell he was going to let the man touch his boyfriend. "I didn't think you'd be home early."

"Don't distract me child." He spat. "What are you? Why are you with with him!"

"What am I? I'm your son. And I'm with him because I want to be". Draco spat back. Standing a bit straighter when Harry but a hand on his back.

"Why don't we talk outside, Draco?"  Lucius said, tone comparable to death itself. Draco took a step forward, but was pulled back by Harry's.

"Are you insane?" Harry hissed lowly,"you are not going out there."

"He's my Father! I can't just not obey." The blond whispered back.

"You've done that plenty well before." Harry said softly, gesturing between them. "And I'm not letting you walk through that door." He hardened his eyes. There would be no melting under the gaze of his lover. Harry wouldn't let someone he lov- cared about so deeply be subject to the manipulation that he did.

"Harry please." Draco said turning fully around to face him.

"No." Harry said, "no." He said it again. It felt good, he felt like a hero. It was stupid, he knew this, but something about helping Draco made him feel stronger inside, as if he could do anything. And he would, for Dray of course.

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