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Draco p.o.v

I quickly made my way into the Slytherin common  room, looking around for a certain two people. One pale girl with a sharp nose and a black bob, and a 6" boy with a short buzz and chocolate skin. I find them chatting over near the empty for place. I immediately walk over and pull them both down the stairs to the rooms, ignoring their confused shouts for me to stop. I practically throw them on my bed before pacing in front of them, putting my hand on my chin.

 "Um excuse me?! What the hell is wrong with you?" Pansy shouts throwing her hands in the air in exasperation. Blaise just nods next to her.

"We have a very big issue" I say quietly

"No actually I think your the one with the issue" Pansy huffs.

"Pansy please" I look at her with tired eyes, "I'm in big trouble."

"What's wrong" Blaise asks with concern, 

"It's about Potter" 

"Oh what happened? You stopped calling him Harry." Pansy grabs my hand and pulls me down on the bed between her and Blaise.

"Yeah I decided that I shouldn't act like he's my friend, but that kind of backfired," I chuckled with no humor. I debated stopping, but I had to get it out, "I uh I fell in love with him." My voice quieted in embarrassment.

"But you were always In love with him" Blaise said softly

"No I liked him, there's a difference. I thought he was cute. But now he's funny and smart and silly and amazing. He's protective and strong and resilient and broken."


"Yes, at least I think he is. I mean he lost his parents to Him and has the weight of the world on his shoulders. And yet he still walks and smiles and laughs. And it's beautiful." There are tears In my eyes. Why are their tears in my eyes?

"Oh Dray, it's okay, we'll help you! And who knows maybe he'll love you too." 

"Fat chance" I sigh resting my head in my hand. I wipe my eyes and start to get up and head towards the door.

"Where are you going? "Blaise asks

"Harry asked if I could help him study,and I told him we could do it tonight. And don't worry I'll pick up some dinner on the way." 

"Ok you do realize that's kinda of important, given your current situation."

"Yeah Draco be careful, please"

"Yeah yeah I know," I smile at the joke my friends won't get.

"Hey and Blondie? If it makes you feel any better you know how screwed we are. So I guess what I guess I'm saying is your not alone. We'll always be here. "Blaise said softly. He held my gaze firmly, "we're your family, don't forget it"

I smiled at him, "I never have I promise"

My smile doesn't leave as I leave. I hear my best friends bickering about something. I hear the buzz of the common room. I hear the creak of the door as I opened it. I hear my shoes slapping on the stone floor. I hear the crowd in the dining hall as I made my way into it. I hear my fellow Slytherins talking at our table. I hear them ask me why I'm just stopping by. I hear myself telling them to mind their own business. I hear myself make my way to the library. I hear someone walking up behind me. I snap out of my stupor as I hear the voice of said person.

"Malfoy? Why are you so smiley? Happy to see me?" I can practically hear the smirk on Potter's face.

"Get over yourself, can't I just smile because I can?" I ask back, ignoring his question for the reason I had been smiling. It was really because of how amazing my friends were. But I doubt that would be a very good thing to tell him.

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