Side Ships

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"My father's forcing me to become a Death Eater." The words escaped Draco's mouth before he could even think of stopping them. He was frightened for what Harry would say. All reason went out of the window as he stood, supported by the brunettes strong arms, in the middle of the hallway.

"Oh Draco" was all Harry said before pulling the taller boy into his arms. He stroked the white blond hair softly. Tears dampened his shoulder as his boyfriend started to cry. It broke his heart to see someone he cared so much about so broken. But in truth he hadn't a clue as to what to say. What do you say? It's going to be okay? It's not, being a Death Eater is one of the worst crimes in all of history. We'll figure it out? How?Harry knew of Lucius unrelenting loyalty and it wasn't something he could change. Not after so many years. I'll make sure it doesn't happen? He hated making promises he couldn't keep, they were just lies covered in sugar to keep someone blinded to the reality of the situation.

"Lets go back to your room, okay?" Harry asked softly. He got a nod for a response. So he swiftly picked up the blond, who let out a yelp of surprise at the sudden action, and walked towards the Slytherin common room.

"Harry! What if someone sees us?" Draco asked looking around.

"Then act all mad and shit it will seem like I'm just playing around." Harry replied matter of factly.

"Huh," Draco tucked a strand of hair behind the brunettes ear, "sometimes I forget how brilliant you are."

Harry blushed madly looking away from the boy in his arms who chuckled softly. Luckily they made it to the common room without interruption, or so they thought. Harry sat down on the king bed and let Draco change into comfier clothing. Then Draco laid down and let Harry climb on top of him, resting his face gently on his lovers chest.

"Hun? Your glasses are painful"

"Oh sorry Dray." Harry took his glasses off and snuggled closer to Draco. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly? I'm terrified, I don't want to drag you or our friends into this. It would be catastrophic for you to be associated with me if word got out. And I don't want to become one. I thought I might be able to make this decision on my own, but my father controls everything." He paused," What are you doing? 

"Padfoot would always rub circles in my back or chest if I was upset. It always helped me, just to know he was there. I can stop if you want."

"Please don't" he whispered. Draco could feel his boyfriend smile against his chest but didn't say anything. Eventually they drifted off into a peaceful sleep, cocooned in each others arms.

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Are you ready for some side ships? I'm going to do the rest of this chapter for Pansimone, Linny, and Blaison! I haven't focused on these relationships a lot so let me know if you want them more specifically.

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Ginny and Luna sat in a nook of the Ravenclaw tower, most of the other Ravenclaws had grown accustomed to Ginny's presence due to her frequency in the common room. They sat talking about Harry. The topic, surprisingly, hadn't come up very much during the weeks following the breakup. The two girls always found ways to entertain themselves without touching the topic. But alas they we're unable to elude it any longer.

"So why do you think it was so easy for you to get over?" Luna asked In her light, airy tone.

"Can I be truthful?" The redhead asked.

"Of course Ginny"

"I liked someone else and I understood his reasoning completely. I had fallen out of love too. I was just trying for him. I mean it was still hard, he was my first love but I think it was good. He got some new friends and Draco and him seem pretty close."

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