Look In Your Eyes

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Hermione p.o.v. 

(While Harry and Draco are studying) 

I was sitting in the common room reading The History of Hogwarts. I really have no clue as to why the boys find it so strange that I read these books, they are fascinating. I buried my head in the book and continue reading for about fifteen minutes before I hear a loud knocking on the common room door. As well as a faint shrieking. I get up reluctantly, not wanting to tear myself from the book. I open the door, figuring it was Harry coming back from studying. Or the CGBWHHTTY, aka Clearly Gay But We Haven't Had The Talk Yet. Me and Pansy had met up a few more times since our Initial planning session and come up with the name. Our get togethers were always here and there always brief, and I always wanted them to be longer, I always wanted to be with her more. I push away the thoughts and and open the door. To my surprise, Pansy herself burst through the door and plopped herself In my chair. I started to protest  but before I could say anything she chimed in.

"Calm it down sweetheart, I'll have to make this quick" she gave me a wink but I could tell she was serious. I blushed a bit at her flirtatious actions.

"Okay what is it?" I sit down on the seat next to her picking up my book as well.

"I just. . . .  wanted to know how y- "She seemed to stop, as if catching herself, "Harry was doing with ya know?" She turned her head away, for no apparent reason.

"He's doing okay, why do you ask?" I quickly adorned my protective mindset, my voice sharp, but definitely intentional. I don't like it when people heard rumors about Harry and believed them. I hated rumors in general but especially ones about my brother -by love not blood don't @ me-.

"Whoa whoa calm it down sweetheart, nothings going around about Harry, I - I well" she seemed to not have the words to say what she wanted to say.

"Well? Out with it," I wasn't completely assured that something wasn't happening with Harry. It's not that I didn't think he couldn't handle his own problems it's just, since his breakdown and the whole thing with Ginny I've been really on edge. I had warned everyone else to not tell anyone outside the house, but I wasn't completely trusting of them all. However before I could get my answer another person opened the door and fell into a chair herself. Her freckled cheeks adorned a faint blush.

"Hello Ginny" I said briskly. We had been avoiding each other, more I than her, but Pansy was here and I needed to keep up appearances.

"Hello Hermione, how was your afternoon?" Her tone was sickly sweet.

"Swell, and yours?" This was extremely stiff and not at all convincing, I never was a good actress.

"Eventful" she replied simply.

"Out with the chosen one?" Pansy decided to chime in with a suggestive smirk. My lord the girl. I sent her a look, that she promptly ignored.

"No, with friends." She said shortly, sweet tone gone.

"Luna?" I guessed. She blushed slightly. Bingo. "Why the blush?" I know I shouldn't pick a fight especially in front of Pansy, but I wanted to shout at her. I wanted a reason to let out my anger for her not ending it with Harry so he didn't have. It was necessary but constantly being the voice of reason was tolling.

"What do you mean?" She feigned ignorance.

"I don't know, you just seem to be hanging out with Luna more than Harry lately."

"Well you know we fought." She gives me an 'are you dumb' look that just makes me more mad.

"No actually Ron and Harry fought, you have no reason to have not talked to him and apologised." 

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