Break Even - Chapter 1

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"Breathe and in your next contraction push" the junior midwife said. "Come on Nic, you can do it" Olly shouted as he held Nicky's hand and wiped her forehead.

Nine months had whirled by very quickly. Nicky and Ben were very much still together, enjoying each other's company and getting to know eachother more. No one could quite believe how quickly Nicky had fallen pregnant. The band made regular jokes about what super powers Ben had. Although it happened quickly, Nicky embraced her happy news whilst Ben worked hard at supporting his forthcoming new family. Nicky had taken a break from her nursing whilst Ben had been appointed to play guitar for a world tour for a huge music artist, therefore he had been somewhat absent for a lot of the pregnancy. They talked regularly on the phone and Skype. Nicky would regularly call on her best friend for company, support and helping to get the nursery together. Olly, her best friend of a year had been there throughout, although each of them were unaware of their real feelings towards each other their friendship had grew stronger. He had been at every scan, every midwife appointment and now he was there at the birth. Initially, Ben was ok with Olly being around, it was his friend as well afterall. But there was always a niggling thought in his head, he knew that both of them used to like eachother so he didn't trust them completely.

"Right the first one is out, it's a boy! Your doing really well Nicola are you ready for the next one?" the midwife asked. Nicky nodded, exhausted from the pain but she knew that the pain was all worth it. "Nic, you can do this" Olly looked into her eyes with tears and proudness.

Olly had been well rested for the past nine months, he took a break under doctors orders. It made him think what he wanted in his life, he spent more time with family and was closer to Nicky as ever. She broke the news of her pregnancy very early on, in fact she told him before she told Ben. He was certainly happy for the couple, his friends but he wanted that too. He wanted everything they had, he wanted something that he couldn't have, Nicky. He didn't want to break a family up and tell her how he felt and he would rather have her in his life than nothing at all. He felt privileged to be included in her plans, it made him feel important, whilst Ben was away.

"Ok one last push" The midwife spurred on Nicky. She pushed as hard as she could and another baby shot out. "Olly, I can't hear any crying, is the baby ok?" Nicky sobbed. He held his hands between her head, they were both in tears " it's going to be ok babe, don't worry I know it". " We are just giving her some oxygen, she's had a shock coming out after her brother" the midwife informed them. "She, I have a little girl" Nicky asked. The midwife nodded and a small cry from the newly delivered baby was let out. Nicky breathed heavily and breathed a sigh of relief. "See, I told you everything would be ok, I'm very proud of you babe" Olly said kissing her moist lips. They had a moment together. "So, do we have a name yet then guys?". Reality hit them down from their high, " erm maybe I need to give Ben a call..." Nicky said. "Oh yeah er... Sure I'll just be outside I've got to make some calls anyway" Olly insisted. " Do you mind?" she asked. "No, of course not, I'll be back in ten".

"Ben, we've got one of each, I've just had them" Nicky said at the end of the phone gushing with excitement. " Of course I wasn't by myself, Olly was here with me" she responded. " Look Ben, we have this argument over and over again, we are just friends, I love you" she said trying to fight the tears. " Ok, I'll see you next week then, love you" with that she finished her conversation.

Olly had sat outside by the midwife's station for at least 10 minutes, the midwife who delivered the babies walked over to an exhausted looking Olly "congratulations daddy". "Oh no no I think you got the wrong end of the stick, they aren't mine, Nicky's just my friend" he said with a fake smile. " Oh sorry, I just presumed, I saw the look you gave to eachother and I just thought..." she laughed. " No, it's ok don't worry, erm... I was just wondering if you fancied coming for a coffee or something after your shift" Olly asked nervously. "Erm I would but I er don't even know your name" she laughed. " Oh crap, let's start from the beginning I'm Olly and you are?" looking at her name tag. "Leanne" they both said together. " So do you fancy that coffee?", " Sure I get off at 7, I'll see you outside?" she asked. "Sure". Olly got up and walked away smiling.

"There you are, was going to send a search party for ya, you ok, us three missed you" Nicky smiled. " Ahhh they look so gorgeous, so peaceful, well done babe, did you get hold of Ben?" Olly responded. " Yeah he's so happy bless him, gutted he missed it" she was good at covering up his lies. " Ahh he'll be here soon though wont he". She nodded. An older midwife come in " Right, I think it's time for the twins feed, one to mum, one to dad yes". They looked at eachother but didn't correct her, they just simply nodded. She left the room, it was a peaceful silence where they were feeding the babies. There were glances every now and again of approval and smiles to eachother. " I forgot to say Olly, you are holding Ryan Oliver and this is Daisy Mae". His face could tell a thousand words, surprise, amazement and shock " babe, You didn't have to", " I know but you've helped me out so much with everything, it's the least I can do". He looked at his watch, "somewhere you need to be" Nicky asked. " Well as you ask, yeah... Erm, I kinda have a date with one of the midwife's here" he answered nervously. "Oh, erm ok" she said downbeat. " If you don't want me to go, I won't, I'll stay". " No, no you go, I have to get used to it now don't I?". " Well if your sure". He walked over to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead " your going to be a fantastic mother, I'm so proud of you". " Thanks babe, have a good night, let me know how it goes" she acted happily. With that he kissed the two babies and departed the hospital.

"Are you ready to go Leanne?" Olly asked giving her a kiss on her cheek.

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