Break Even - Chapter 7

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"Hey Nicky, it's Leanne, I was just wondering if your free for a coffee" . " Erm, sure ok" Nicky replied puzzled. The only time they spent together was the dinner that she made for her and that was with Ben and Olly, so she was quite surprised that she called her. Leanne had an underlying reason of why she called. She didn't like the way that Olly was spending so much time with her, how he introduced her to his family and how as soon as she walked into a room all eyes were on Nicky.

Leanne pulled up at Nicky's house and walked to her door clutching a big book. Nicky opened the door and smiled warmly making Leanne feel comfortable. Inside, however, Leanne was still upset and wanted to make Nicky pay. "So Nicky, your probably wondering why I am here" She asked. " Well I did wonder" Nicky said. " Well, I'm going back to work tomorrow and I was hoping as your at home all day doing nothing if you could do a bit of wedding planning for me?". She raised her eyebrows, she was speechless. Leanne broke the silence " I know Olly would appreciate it". Feeling guilty about saying no she blurted out " sure why not, it's not like I've got anything else to do is it?" Nicky said sarcastically. " Great, here's the book, this is all what needs doing, and I need daily checking in what you have done" Leanne said going through her wedding book. "Ok, that's not a problem". Leanne stood up "Right, I've got to go, got to start work, so give me a call tonight". Leanne walked out of the door, with Nicky a little overwhelmed. Leanne let out a wry smile, she wanted her to keep busy so she couldn't answer any calls from her future husband.

Nicky spent the next couple of days following instructions, although she didn't admit it she actually quite enjoyed it. She was doing it to make her best friend happy, unselfishly she wanted it to make the best day of his life. Leanne came around Nicky's to check what she had done, the whole house was wedding central with samples of flowers, magazines, favours and materials all over the dining room table. Leanne was surprised how seriously she was taking it, her plan was backfiring, she was beginning to warm to Nicky. " So Leanne, this has what has been done, the caterer will be coming at 11am to the venue, the florist has ordered those silk flowers from Thailand and they should be landing next week, men's suits fittings are on Friday and I'm putting together some favour box samples so you can see what ones you want". Leanne couldn't believe how much she had got done in a space of three days "Wow, Nicky you've got a lot done thank you". "No worries, so is there anything else you would like doing?" she got out her notepad. Not thinking she answered " can you go to the men's suit fittings on Friday, I need them to coordinate with the bridesmaids". " Sure, that's not a problem hon, anything else?" Nicky replied. "Can I confide in you" Leanne asked. Nicky nodded awkwardly. "Well, I don't think that Olly's really into this wedding, I mean he hasn't done anything, has he said anything to you?". "No, but I'm sure he's happy whatever you want to have, as long as your happy he will be happy" Nicky replied. "I would love you to come to New York with me for the hen do". New York bought back memories for her, happy memories, but she didn't know if she could really go, to leave the twins as well " I'll have to see Leanne, can I get back to you?", "Sure no problem babes". Leanne walked out the house quite happy that she had made a friend.

Olly hadn't heard from Nicky for a few days, since the engagement party where, on his part they almost kissed. It was playing on his mind, he decided to go round to Nicky's, he knew Ben would be at work. He knocked on the door, Nicky was busy making up favour boxes, she wasn't expecting anyone so she was quite surprised when the door went. "Hi Nic, can I come in?", "sure, if you want, house is a bit of a mess" she replied. " What's all this?" he asked picking up random materials from a chair to sit on. "What does it look like, it's things for your wedding, ohh you've actually just missed your mrs". "What? I don't understand Nic, have you been helping?". "Yes, didn't you know?" she was surprised. He shook his head "Noone has told me anything". "I think she feels as if she's doing it all herself bless her". Olly looked really puzzled, he couldn't believe that his fiancé had gone behind his back. " Olly, I just want you to have the best day of your life, so if I can help in anyway then I will". "Thanks babe, you know I appreciate it right?" he said helping himself to a drink. "While your here, make yourself free for Friday, you having suit fittings and I'm coming with you too to make sure you coordinate". "Nic, do you think after we could spend a little time together?" he asked. " Erm... Ok, I'll have the twins with me though" she replied. " That would be great I've missed the little guys". " Going back to the wedding Ols, Leanne has asked me to go to New York for her hen do". " Oh really?" he was surprised. " Yep, I haven't given her an answer yet, gotta see if Ben is free to look after kids and I just find it weird that's she's asked me and New York is our place in it" she said. " It really is, I think you should go, you'll have a good time" he smiled. They spent the next hour making small conversation, he wanted to steer away from wedding talk, he didn't feel comfortable talking about it with her. He stood up and they both heard the front door go.

"Hey honey". "Oh hi Ben your home early" Nicky said. Olly sat there quietly and Nicky thought that she would certainly be getting it in the neck later. "And what do we owe this pleasure?". Before Olly could speak, Nicky intervened " he... Erm... Is just here for.... Wedding stuff, to keep updated with it all" she stuttered. " Yep, well if everything's sorted then I'll be off, I'll see you Friday....for the suit fittings" Olly said. Ben with raised eyebrows said " ohhh ok, let me show you out". Nicky stayed inside expecting a full blown row.

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