Break Even - Chapter 6

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A week had passed, Olly and Nicky's friendship was back on track. In fact, they were closer more than ever. He was still filming but made his way back home to get ready for the party. It didn't stop him sneaking round to Nicky's at any given opportunity, Leanne was none the wiser getting preoccupied with wedding stuff and Ben had been away for a few nights with work. Nicky was happy to have the company, and the twins were happy to have the big kid play with them. The resistance between them had got more difficult, the more he came round the more they were longing for eachother.

The night before the engagement party Ben arrived home whilst Nicky was in the middle of her beauty regime. The twins were in bed and she was enjoying a rare glass of wine with a face pack on her. "Hey honey, I'm home" Ben closed the front door after him clutching a bunch of flowers. She sat up from the sofa relaxed, " Oh hey hon, how was your day?". He looked a bit puzzled " what's on your face?". " It's a face pack, meant me keep my face rejuvenated and young looking" she giggled. " Well what do you need that for?, your face looks alright as it is". " Well thanks, just nice to feel pampered once in a while, you know and it's a good excuse to look nice for tomorrow" she smiled. " It's only an engagement party, your going to a lot of effort ain't you" he raised his eyebrows. " It's not everyday I get glammed up, and it's not everyday our friend gets engaged". " Oh, I knew there was some underlying reason" he said under his breath whilst walking out of the living room. She pretended not to hear him, but she did, She started to think if Ben really knew how she felt.

Leanne and Olly spent a rare night in together for the first time in a while. They were getting last minute details for the party sorted. "Are you ok Ols, seems like you've got a lot on your mind" she asked slightly concerned. " Oh, yeah I'm ok love just wondering if everyone is going to turn up" he said. " Course they will, everyone who we love will be here sharing our celebration" she went to hug him. " Yeah I'm sure your right, I'm gonna have an early night Lea, got a long day tomorrow, you coming?". " No, I'll be a while yet, gotta sort these decorations out" she said. He walked up the stairs and got into bed, looked at his phone and flicked through his photos and stopped at a picture of Nicky, he smiled and let out a huge sigh. He fell asleep shortly after.

It was the night of the engagement party, all the family had arrived from both sides on time and everyone was in good spirits. Everyone except Olly who was looking at the door every time it opened or shut. He was too nervous to drink anything, he just caught up with family he hadn't seen in a while. Then the front door opened the band along with Nicky, Ben and the twins walked through the door. Olly's heart skipped as he saw Nicky, he made an excuse to his uncle to go and talk to them. " Hi guys, nice of you to make an appearance" Olly said. " Yes sorry we're late she took a long time to get ready" Ben laughed. Olly looked at Nicky and she didn't answer, she smiled with her eyes. "Now where are these beers then?" Ben said walking away. " Erm Ben the twins?" Nicky shouted angrily. "It's ok, I'll help" Olly said. " Thanks hon, they ain't asleep yet" she said. " Its fine, can I get him out of his carseat?". " Course, no worries, can't be stuck in there all night can they?" she replied. "Come here, there's a few people I want you to meet" he replied walking towards his entire family. " Family, this is Nicky, Nicky this is the family". Feeling slightly awkward she began to mingle with Olly's family. In the background, Leanne was seething, he hadn't introduced her to family. She was gutted, she turned to one of the waiters who was carrying a tray of champagne and picked up a glass, downed it and picked up another.

" Hi Nicky, I'm Olly's mum, Vicky". They both laughed at the fact their names rhymed. "Hey, how are you doing?" Nicky said kissing her cheek. "Very well, you babies are beautiful", " Aww thank you, do you want a cuddle?" Nicky asked. " Could I ?" she cooed. They sat down on the sofa with them. " Nicky, can I tell you something?". She nodded. "Well we was very surprised that Olly got engaged to Leanne, we always thought that he would end up with you, I mean he always goes on about you" Vicky who had plied herself with champagne may have said too much. " Oh no, we're just really good friends, he's been a great help with the twins whilst Ben has been away, talking of Ben I should go and find him" she started looking around the room. " But Vicky it's been lovely to meet and talk to you" she said. " You too Nicky, you look after those little ones for me" she said.

Nicky eventually found Ben who was in the kitchen taking full advantage of the free alcohol. " Oh hey, I found you, can you help me get the twins ready for bed" Nicky asked. He was speaking and having a good catch up with the band. He hugged her " yep I'll be there in a minute" he said. Half an hour had passed, she was still waiting. " Don't worry, you enjoy yourself I'll do it by myself" she sarcastically said. " Ok see you in a bit" Ben was caught in mid conversation and didn't really listen. She made her way upstairs with one of the babies on each hip, with the bag around her neck. She went into the room where the cot was up. She lay them on the bed and changed their nappies and put them into their nightclothes. She heard the bedroom door open. " Ben its about bloody time you do something" Nicky whispered as the twins were almost asleep.

" Hey it's me". She turned around " Oh hi Olly, what you doing up here, you should be enjoying yourself down there" she replied. " I was looking for you". " Well you found me, is there something up?" she asked. "No, it's all ok". " Ok, well I am ok, you can go downstairs now, go back to your party" she said smiling. " Nic, I haven't seen you all night, I just want to spend a little time with you" he replied. She looked at him, with a slight pause and looked down at the twins who were now sound asleep on the bed. " You can help me put them to bed if you like, just be quiet" she asked. He lifted Daisy into the cot, and Nicky lifted Ryan. They both looked down at the babies in awe, they hadnt a worry in the world, they looked so innocent. " Nic, they look so beautiful like angels, you've done really well". She placed her hand on his which was resting on top of the cot, they looked at eachother and he leant in and closed his eyes. "Olly I need..." Nicky said. Just then the door burst open, they both pulled away from their near embrace. "Olly, you've got to sort your woman out, she's had far too much and she's passed out". He looked at Nicky " Go, it's ok" she whispered.

Break Even Olly Murs FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ