Break Even - Chapter 5

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"You are invited to Oliver's and Leanne's engagement party" an invitation arrived in the post for Nicky and Ben. Nicky sighed, this all felt so real now but now they are formally announcing and telling the world that they were going to get married. She threw the invitation on the kitchen work top and got on with her day to day duties to take her mind off it. Nicky hadn't text or called Olly in 2 weeks, she kept her own word and didn't contact him, it was really difficult for her but thought she would find it easier in the long run. It didn't stop Olly sending the daily "we need to talk" text. The only contact she had with him was through Leanne regarding the impending nuptials, which were to be in 3 months time.

Olly had preparing for auditions for the xtra factor, he had spent most nights away from his house. He couldn't help but think about Nicky, how she was ignoring his every text message, had he done something wrong? She hadn't told him anything and he needed to know what's up. He took his phone out of his pocket and played with the keys on his blackberry, he wondered whether it was the right thing to do, he took a huge breathe and pressed the green key and held it to his ear. " Listen, don't hang up, I need to speak to you, can I come round?" he paused. " Ok, I'll be round in a hour". He smiled that was one thing off his chest. He made his way out of the hotel he was staying in and hailed down a cab. He stopped at a florists around the corner from his destination and picked up a huge bunch, smelling them and looking pretty pleased with himself he passed them to the florist to wrap up.

He knocked at the door, slightly nervous. Nicky opened the door carefully "shhh quiet the babies are asleep" she said pointing up the stairs. He walked in and produced the bunch of flowers to her. " What are these for?" she asked puzzled. " Oh you know, just thought I'd get you some" he replied smiling. " Well that's nice of you, thanks, want a cuppa?", she asked whilst walking to the kitchen and retrieving a vase to put the beautiful spring flowers into. He followed her and sat at the breakfast bar. " So how have you been then?" he asked. " Really well thanks" she said shortly. "Nic, have I done something wrong?". She didn't answer, she just looked at him whilst putting the kettle on. He looked down. She joined him on the stall next to him and placed her hand on top of his. "Olly, it's true I have been avoiding you". "But why I don't understand". She didn't want to tell him the real truth " Olly, your going to be getting married soon, and then you'll be having your own family, so I didn't want to get too used to needing you all the time, so I thought that I would start earlier and I know that Leanne don't like it". " Stop, for a second, can I be honest with you?". She nodded. " Leanne did give me an ultimatum to stop seeing you, but I did that before remember and that was the worst mistake in my life and I told her that wasn't going to happen, she had to put up with it or it was over". "Really?" she enquired. " Yes Nic, your my best friend, what you've been doing to me, is what I done to you, I now know how hurtful it is". "I have missed you" she gave him a hug and the feelings she tried to push aside all come flooding back. " So, are you coming to the party?". "I'm sure me and Ben will make an appearance" she said smiling. "And the kids yeah?" he asked. " Well, they weren't on the invitation so I didn't know...", " Of course they are invited, they are like my niece and nephew". " Ok, they'll be there too... talking of the kids, I can hear voices" she laughed. She got up and walked towards upstairs, she turned to Olly " Are you coming?". " Oh sure, yep just coming". He swigged the last mouthful of his tea and followed her.

" Hey guys, look who's come to play, uncle Olly". Olly hid behind Nicky and jumped out, "Boo" he played. A huge grin appeared on both of their faces " Olly I think they've missed you" she said. "I've missed them and you" he winked at her. They picked up the babies and walked downstairs. They played all afternoon, having fun and they were happy like a little young family. They both lost track of time, it was 5pm and Ben was due home in an hour, dinner hadn't been started, she started to panic. Olly looked at his watch " Oh shit, sorry, I got to go... I got a dinner to go to". "Its fine Ols, don't worry, you've been here all afternoon and Leanne will be waiting for you" she replied. "Oh no no, it's a work thing, just got to be there for the record label". "Olly, it's none of my business babe" she hugged him. " Can I call you tomorrow?" he asked. "Sure, anytime you know I'm here for you" she answered puzzled. "I got a lot on my mind", "I'm sorry babe, I've been talking about me all day and we should have spoken about you". "Nic, I love....spending time with you and the children, that makes me happy and it makes me happy that we've talked" he said. They hugged eachother and he went to the twins and gave them a kiss. " I'll see you lot in a week" he walked towards the door and gave Nicky a long soft kiss on her cheek, he felt at home in her arms. " See you later...and Ols I did miss you, more than you'll ever know".

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