Break Even - Chapter 11

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"Concentrate on your wedding, forget it ever happened, it was a moment of madness". Olly opened the returned text message from his initial text explaining that they needed to talk. He sighed, he couldn't understand what the problem was, he knew she felt the same way as he did. He didn't reply to the text, he just went with what was said, maybe she did make sense, there were too many people that would be hurt. Was he over thinking things?, he needed to get out, he drove to his mums because he knew he needed to sort out the old photos for the wedding.

He drove to his mum and dad's house knowing that he will get excitement about the impending nuptials. If he was entirely honest with himself he wanted that spirit to be rubbed off on him, this should have been the happiest day of his life instead he was dreading it. His downbeat mood was detected as soon as he arrived at their house. " Hey Olly... Come in, what's the long face for?". He walked in, mentally and physically exhausted from all the thinking he had been doing since that kiss. Olly stayed quiet, and walked into the lounge area, sat on the sofa. " Are you ok? You look tired" his mum said. " Yeah, I am tired, just all this wedding stuff, do you have those photos by the way?". "Yeah the are on the table son, but I think it's more than that Olly, come on I'll make you a cuppa and you can tell me".

His mum knew him better than he knew himself, she knew something was wrong, she was worried about her son. He followed his mum to the kitchen and sat on the dining room table and began to look through the old photos. He smiled looking at family photos of past holidays, football tournaments and family events. " So are you gonna tell me what's up then?" His mum pushed for an answer. "Mum you know me too well...where do I start?" He said trying to open his heart. " From the start would help" she laughed. He stuttered he didn't know where to start. " It's Nicky isn't it?" His mum knew. He looked up at her " how did you know?". " I've always known Olly... She's the one that got away int she?" She said questioning him. He put the photos on the table and swigged her tea " I can't get her out of my head mum, I love her". " You need to say something to her, or stop this with Leanne it's not really fair on her is it?". " I know but you know I've always wanted this, be a family man and its the opportunity I can have. I've tried to tell Nicky so many times but I just freeze or it's never the right time, except...". " Except what Ols?". " I think she may like me too" he reminisced. "How do you know?" She pushed for an answer. " Well..... We .... Erm.... Kissed yesterday and I can't get it out of my head, it just felt so right, I dunno mum" he answered goofily. "You need to say something to her, before you go through with this, you'll regret it if you don't". " I'll think about it, now lets have a look through this photos" he said trying to change the subject.

They looked through the photos together laughing and joking about certain questionable hairstyles they had through the years. An hour had passed and Olly had got most of the photos that he needed, coming near to the end he came across a photo, he studied it and looked puzzled " mum, why do you have a picture of Ryan in here?". She looked at him and looked at the photo " turn it over, it's not Ryan... It's you" she said as he turned it over, revealing Oliver at 18 months. " You don't think... No". " I do Olly, I think the babies are yours, they are the dead spit of you, when I was cuddling Ryan at your engagement party I saw it then". "Mum, but we you know haven't....hang on a minute so you have a calendar?". He began tracing and trying to think back to 18 months. " Hang on... Ohh erm ok". " What Olly, tell me". " Well we kinda did have a night before we went to New York before she done the marathon". She raised her eyebrows " so they could be...". He nodded his head profusely and smiled. " And twins do run in our family..." She added smiling. He picked up the photo and placed it in his back pocket and took a pile of other photos which were to be featured in the wedding. " Mum, I've got to go" he said rushing out of the door. " You go get her Olly" she winked at him. He nodded his head whilst getting in his car.

Just before he pulled away, his phone rang, without looking he answered. " Oh hi Lea, yeah just picked up the pictures from mums". Boom back to reality hit him, he still had a fiancée and a wedding in a matter of days, but could he really go through with it especially finding out some life changing news and having someone else on his mind.

Olly decided his mum was right, he needed to talk to Nicky... If only she would answer her bloody phone. He tried calling her, texting her but she would only reply with wedding details. His mum was on his case too asking if he had spoken to her and if not when. If the truth be told Olly wanted this week and this farce of a wedding over.

Leanne was all over him being her usual drama queen self and he knew he was settling for second best.

It got to two days before the wedding and Nicky still didn't have Olly's photos despite her replying with the same thing to every one of his texts.

She was meeting Leanne for coffee this afternoon to confirm final details and dropped her a text asking her to bring the images. A reply came back quickly saying that Leanne was having some spa treatments and wouldn't have time to go home to get them and could she just grab them from Olly.

Seeing Olly two days before he was marrying someone else was the last thing she wanted to do - she even made an excuse last night when it was the wedding rehearsal saying Daisy was unwell so she didn't have to see him.

With a pounding headache Nicky put the twins in their pushchair and went for a walk, fresh air always helped.

During the walk Nicky stopped to take give the kids some water, as she looked up she recognised a familiar road. Why hadn't this occurred to her before?

She walked up to the house and suddenly became nervous, knocked on the door.

A few seconds and the door opened "Nicky, how lovely to see you. Please come in"

"Thank you, but I can't stop. Need to get these two home for tea"

Olly's mum smiled and said that was a shame.

"I just wondered if you had the photos? I've been asking Olly but still don't have them"

"Really? He was here on Monday and took them then. I can grab you some more if you like?"

"If you don't mind Vicky that would be great or this wedding planning will never be finished"

Vicky returned a few minutes later as Nicky was giving the kids some apple, she never went far without a snack for them.

"Aren't they growing quickly Nicky?"

" tell me about it"

"And looking so much like their daddy"

"Yeah, just a shame he isn't around as much as he would like to be"

Vicky looked at Nicky " but he is though, isn't he?"

"Sorry, I don't understand" Nicky looked puzzled.

"I think you do sweet, if you really think about it, their dad..hes been there for you every step of the way, hasnt he? Here... This is Ollys baby album. Have a look through when your home, I'm sure if your still confused it will help."

Vicky turned to the kids and gave them each a loving touch to their cheeks " see you two looking smart on Saturday".

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