Break Even - Chapter 13

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"What do you mean, have I been crying? Course I haven't, I've just dropped Ryan off at Olly's, so we can chill out together" Nicky said lying through her back teeth. " You know I can tell when your lying Nicky, your eyes have puffed up, I can see you've been crying". Ben knew her too well. She sat next to him with a glass of wine in her hand, she didn't drink a lot at home but she felt she needed it after the day she had. " So why have you been crying then?" Ben queried. " Ben just let it go, it doesn't matter" she swigged her wine. "But it does, you've been really distant lately since all this wedding stuff and I don't really know you anymore". She looked at him in disgust " I thought you was happy that I was organising the wedding so it occupy my time". "Yeah I did but you know what I realised, you weren't doing it for you was you, you were doing it for him to make him notice you" Ben answered. Part of Nicky thought he was right she did want to spend time with Olly but she wasn't going to let him know that " Why is everything we row about always have to be about the jealousy towards him" she asked. He calmly looked at her, didn't raise his voice and simply said " Have you ever loved me?".

"Ben what kind of question is that?" She laughed sarcastically. "I mean it, have you ever loved me, be honest with me now". " Of course I have, of course I do" she answered without making eye contact. "Look at me Nic, it's always been him hasn't it? He's the one you wanted in New York wasn't it, you settled for second best". She couldn't lie anymore and began to break down crying hysterically, she couldn't speak, she was shell shocked. "You know I never meant to hurt you, he told me to choose you" she said through the tears. " I blame myself, I've always known, you were the girl of my dreams and now I have realised I can't stand in your way any longer" Ben said admitting defeat. "We can make this work, please, Ben come on for the twins sake, he is getting married tomorrow" Nicky tried in desperation to recoup anything from this relationship. " You know Nic, when I finally realised it was over? Is when we were meant to be trying for a baby, and all this time you've been taking your pill". " We have two beautiful children, it's hard work but I wanted to make you happy". "Correction, you have two beautiful children, you know as well as I do they ain't mine, I was happy to bring them up as my own because I had you in my life, but I knew I had to let him in, the kids deserve to know who their dad is". "You've known all this time?" Nicky asked. " Why do you think I've taken all these jobs, that I weren't at any scans, their births and I've seen their birth certificates, I'm not on there.... It's fine I knew from the beginning Nic". "All I've ever wanted is a family, a man who has looked after me and you've done that". They spoke calmly as adults realising that their relationship had come to a natural end. " So I guess, I should be moving out then, I'm gonna go away for a few days then ill pack up our bits and move" she said giving him a friendly hug. " No rush hon, I'm going away again for a month next week so take your time" he said.

" You should know though before hearing it from someone else, I have met someone, someone I really like, but you gotta believe me when I say I haven't cheated, I haven't pursued it yet" Ben confessed. She wasn't mad, she smiled "good for you Ben, it's nice to see you smile and you should be happy". " Thanks, the thing with you and Olly, you both need your heads banging together, both too stubborn and both thinking about others before yourselves and actually admitting to eachother" Ben said. She nodded in agreement.

They sat down drinking a bottle of wine and reminisced about the good times they had. "So are you going to the wedding then?" Ben questioned her. " I don't think I can, I ran out on him earlier and I don't want another person to get hurt by all this mess. It's what he's always wanted to have, and it's his opportunity". "Your always thinking about others Nic, think of yourself for once and the twins, you deserve happiness too" Ben was understanding. "It doesn't feel like it to be honest Ben, I dunno I just don't want to see it in front of my face, you go to the wedding tomorrow and ill pick Ryan up and we will go away". He agreed if that's what she wanted afterall.

Olly meanwhile had settled sleeping Ryan and was alone with his thoughts. He didn't take his eyes off his little man. He came to the realisation that he actually has been there all the time for the children, the midwife appointments, the scans, the birth, sure he did miss the sleepless nights. He couldn't be mad at Nicky because she made sure Olly was always there through every step of their lives. If he was to marry Leanne, he needed to tell her too, but he wanted confirmation first that his theory was right. They were the most important thing afterall.

Olly was about to drift off to sleep when he noticed his phone light up, and it started buzzing. Answering with half closed eyes not looking at who was calling, he whispered " hello". The familiar voice asked him to answer his front door. "Ok, I'll be right down". He got out of bed and put on his tracksuit bottoms and left his mid drift naked. He quietly opened the door, he smiled, " come in, would you like a cuppa?". "Sure, I won't be long I have just got something to tell you". "Ok, sounds serious Ben, especially being this late at night". Ben stepped into the house and sat on the sofa.

Olly filled up the kettle and placed it on the boil and joined Ben on the sofa. Ben looked tired, like he had something on his mind, he looked around, wondering whether to say anything. "So? What's up Ben?" Olly broke the silence. "We've erm.... Me and Nic we've erm split up". Olly didn't know where to look, he was happy inside but gutted that his friends were no longer together. "I'm sorry to hear that mate, anything I can do?" He asked. "Not really, I just had the feeling she wasn't 100% into me mate, like there was someone else on her mind, do you know anything about that?" Ben confided. He played innocent " no I don't know anything mate". "Are you sure about that Olly?" Ben enquired. " Erm... Yeah" he stuttered and felt himself getting slightly sweaty. "C'mon Olly don't act all dumb you know she loves you, she's always loved you and I've always known that..." "No, no Ben" Olly interrupted. " Olly, it's ok, it's fine, I know your supposed to be getting married tomorrow but if you do wanna go for things with with Nic, I'm not gonna stand in your way" Ben accepted. "That's why I come round, she don't know that I come round tonight cause she don't wanna ruin your happy day, so I thought I should let you know, hey don't worry about the tea, I'll be off, erm... I'll see you tomorrow possibly" Ben finished. Olly nodded his head, he had so much on his mind, he needed to sleep on things and get back to his room to see his son.

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