Break Even - Chapter 10

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Nicky arrived back from New York barely speaking and very tired from her trip. She threw herself into work mode, planning last minute details for the wedding and spending time with her babies, that she swore she wouldn't spend a day away from them ever again. She realised she made a mistake by calling Olly in New York and revealing what went on. He had an argument with Leanne on how the girls had treated Nicky on the trip which resulted in Olly staying on Nicky's sofa for the night.

Nicky was the go between, she had received calls from Leanne apologising for her and her friends behaviour. Leanne didn't want to lose Olly and she knew to have Nicky on side would be a massive plus into winning him back. " Olly, you've really gotta talk to her, she's beside herself she thinks you wanna call the wedding off" Nicky said to him. " She might as well call it off, I really thought she was different, I'm not having her hurt people I love" Olly stood up and walked off to the kitchen, grabbing himself a glass of water. He placed the tumbler on the breakfast bar and Nicky looked at him " it wasn't really her though was it, it was her friends, come on at least talk to the girl, so I can be out of the equation". " You know your so understandable, why Ben hasn't proposed to you I don't know" Olly warmed slightly touching her shoulder. Nicky just shrugged her shoulders and slightly rested her head on his hand which was still placed there. She looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back. " So am I calling Leanne up?" Nicky asked. " I guess so, it wouldn't hurt to hear her out". " Good, and Olly?". "Yeah" he said swigging his drink. " She does love you, you know". " I know, but..." . " Great, come round as soon as, he wants to talk" Nicky said talking on her phone. " So she is coming round in a minute ok?" Nicky smiled. Olly nodded disappointingly, he thought it was the right time.

Leanne made her way to Nicky's house after half hour and several outfit changes. Nicky answered the door and warmly hugged her, " he's in there, I'm gonna make myself scarce after making you a cuppa" Nicky said. " Thanks Nicky, I really appreciate it" she said walking into the living room where Olly was sitting on the floor with the babies. He didn't make eye contact with Leanne, she just sat on the sofa trying to find in her head what she was going to say. " So are you ok" she asked. " Yep fine thanks" he replied shortly. Nicky walked back into the lounge area with two cups of tea. " Hey here you are" Nicky passed a cup of tea to each of them. "Right, I'm gonna take these babies out for a walk in the park, give you a chance to talk". " Let me help you get them ready Nic, it's chilly outside" Olly said standing up to retrieve their coats. Leanne felt like a spare part, it felt like Nicky and Olly were playing the happy family, but she appreciated what Nicky was doing and was trying to salvage any prospect of a relationship with Olly. " I'll be back in an hour" Nicky said closing the door and pushing the buggy to the park.

" So..." Leanne said trying to find the right words to say to start up a conversation. "So? You wanted to talk?" Olly answered bluntly. " Oh Olly, I'm sorry for the way I've been, I've missed you" she got tearful. He walked over and put his arm round her shoulder but still angry. "She has been nothing but nice to you, nice to me, she's planned this whole wedding, and you are your friends go out of your way to be nasty to her, it's not on Leanne" he shouted. " Calm down babe, sit down, I know I'm stupid, I thought if I could get her to organise the wedding then she wouldn't have much contact with you, oh shit" Leanne realised what she was saying. Still raging from Leanne's confession "are you fucking joking? You would really do that? How low do you wanna go to get her outta my life?". "I'm sorry Olly but I tell you what I'm jealous, ok? I said it I'm jealous, jealous of how you are when your around her, jealous of how beautiful she is, jealous of your connection and how you just bin me off as soon as you call, I feel neglected to be perfectly honest". Olly warmed slightly " but your the one I'm marrying, Nicky has a boyfriend, she has her family and we are friends, she has helped me through some dark times and we have a strong friendship". He didn't deny anything she said, because what she said was all true. "You mean you still wanna marry me?" She cried happy tears. He nodded his head unenthusiastically. " Oh that has made me so happy, I am sorry she is a lovely girl and I can see why you are friends with her" Leanne smiled. " Yep, she sure is the best".

Nicky returned with the sleeping babies after an hour being somewhat hesitant to whether she was coming home to fireworks. " All ok to come in?" Nicky said with gritted teeth. " Yeah yeah come in, it's all fine again" Olly laughed. She left the sleeping kids in their buggy. " So is this wedding still on?" She enquired. Olly and Leanne looked at eachother and smiled, part of Nicky was a little bit gutted but she didn't show it " I take that as a yes". "Yes, it's on, less than a week to go now" Leanne stated. " Right in that case, Olly you need to go over to your mums and dads to get some old photos" Nicky stated. "That reminds me I've got a dress fitting in an hour, I better be going, Nicky... I just wanna say thank you, for organising this and I'm sorry" Leanne said. " Don't worry it's all dust under the carpet, go on go, I'll get everything tied up this end, take care" Nicky smiled. " I'm gonna stay here for a little while, to pack some stuff up and say hello to the little guys when they wake up" Olly stated. " Ok, I'll see you back at home then?" Leanne asked optimistically. " Sure, see you later" he smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek. She left the house leaving Nicky and Olly.

"All ok then?" Nicky asked. " Yeah, it's fine thanks babe, thanks to you" he said. " Well it was down to me in the first place weren't it, so thought I should resolve it" they both laughed. " She had it in her head that we were more than just friends" Olly said. " Oh really, are we not then?" Nicky asked flirtingly. " Are we not what?" " More than just friends?" she answered. "Erm...." He had a puzzled look on his face, thinking if this was the right time to express his feelings. He walked over to her psyching himself up, he was really gonna tell her how he felt. She hugged him and looked into his eyes " we're best friends silly". He smiled and nodded " yeah we are but...". She leant forward to kiss him, he reciprocated and kissed her back a long, soft kiss on their moist lips. Just then it felt right to both of them, reality hit home to Nicky and she pulled away from their embrace. " I'm sorry, sorry sorry, I shouldn't have done that". He stood their surprised " but why, it felt right to me". " Olly, wake up your gonna be married in a week, I have Ben and look Olly we missed our chance, nothing can ever happen again, I think you should go, I'll see you soon". "But, I've been trying to tell you..." Olly tried to cut in and explain. " Bye Olly" she said in tears.

He walked out of the door, and walked to his car. He sat in there for a while thinking, he wasn't upset, he smiled. He finally realised she felt the same as him, they were in love with eachother.

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