Break Even - Chapter 3

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"Nicky, Nic are you ok?" Olly asked. She shook herself from her daze. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes. Trying to be happy she got up and hugged him " congratulations babe, I'm glad you are really happy". They held their embrace, with both of their eyes closed, they felt comfort in eachothers arms. She was jealous, jealous of the fact that the man of her dreams was to be someone else's for the rest of their lives. She pulled away from the embrace and realised in her head that it was time to let him go. "Thanks Hun, I guess I am...erm happy", He was lying of course, it was her that he wanted, but he knew that she was with Ben and they had twins together and didn't want to break the family up. Ryan started to get whiney, he was tired, ready for his nap. Nicky walked towards him a scooped him up, Olly began speaking " You know Nicky, I need to tell you s...". "Sorry Olly, but I've got to sort Ryan out do you mind looking after Daisy while I put him in his cot?". He nodded.

Nicky was crying as she carried ryan up the stairs, as she walked in to the twins' room and laid him in his cot she kissed his head and smiled at him. She felt blessed having two beautiful babies but deep down she knew her heart was shattered by Ollys announcement. "Your looking more and more like you Daddy every day Ryan Oliver...going to be a heart breaker when your older..." she stroked his hair whilst he struggled to keep his eyes open."Deffo got you daddies eyes and smile, haven't you" she kissed him again before going to relieve Uncle Olly from Daisy.

Nicky taking Ryan up was an excuse to have a cry, she finally knew she that she had lost him forever. It was inevitable that it wouldn't be long until they started a family after they got married, it was what he always wanted. She knew at that instance she had to be a better girlfriend to Ben. He had been supporting her and the children afterall, and they had a good time together when he was around. She made the decision to stop asking Olly to be around.

"Your mum Daisy" he picked her up and cuddled her and continued, " I wish she realised how much I love her, and that it's her that I want, pity she loves your daddy" he said kissing her cheek. Nicky walked into the room " right he is down , now to get this nosy minx off to sleep" she laughed. " So are you ok Nic?" he asked as he noticed her sudden change of character. " Yep, I'm fine thanks" she responded with a fake smile. " Well I guess, I better.....erm", "go?, yeah I think that's a good idea Olly, you should get back to Leanne, you have to start planning that wedding". "Oh yeah, erm, ok, you sure your ok? he sensed something was up. " Yes, as I said I am fine, it's just I think you need to get back to your fiancé and my kids need their sleep, I am really happy for you" she tried to not sound so aggressive, but her voice broke as she let out a sob. " Nic, things aren't going to change, I promise, your my best friend and you and your kids are like family" he responded. A single tear fell from her face. " Olly I am truly happy for you, but honestly I'll be ok, Ben will be home soon it's fine go home" she concluded. He admitted defeat, he got up and gave her a hug. " I'll see you soon yeah?" he pressed for an answer. She sighed and nodded, she showed him out of the door.

Olly jumped into his black car, and started driving. All he could think about was how Nicky took the news and why she reacted the way she did. Questions were running through his mind and he needed to know the answers. He arrived at his house and sat outside for a bit, pretending to be on his phone because he knew that Leanne would see him pull up.

No sooner had Olly had gone, Ben pulled up. He walked through the house as usual dropping the keys off on the kitchen work top. He looked through the mail. Nicky had been upstairs putting Daisy down for a nap. "Hey babe, your back early?", " yeah, half day today, which is nice" he replied smiling. "Good day? Where are the kids?" he asked. "They're sleeping babe". She walked over to him, hugged him and kissed him seductively. "I've really missed you". "Whats got into you Nic?" he questioned, but wasn't complaining. She kissed his neck and whispered in his ear "so how about it?" she winked. He couldn't believe his luck, she gripped his hand and led him up the stairs.

After much pretending on the phone Olly had plucked up the courage to call Nicky, it rang and rang, totally not what Nicky was like, she would usually answer within 2 rings but not today. He sent her a text message " we need to talk I think". He stuck his phone in his pocket and made his way out of the car and to his front door.

"Hi Olly, so this is what I've done so far, the catering and the champagne on order and..." Leanne said excitedly as he stepped through the front door. "Woah woah woah, slow down Leanne, what's all this for?" he queried in a downbeat mood. "Remember the engagement party, I thought we could have it here, then we could get..." she carried on. " Yeah whatever you want" he said looking at his phone to see if he had a response. His focus was on his phone "Olly, so how was work today?. He wasn't concentrating what she was saying " yep she's fine thanks, the kids are getting so big, they're giggles are so cute". Just then he looked up and Leanne's face showed anger and upset, he realised what he had just said, but he didn't have a chance to explain himself. " Olly, you've been round Nicky's again haven't you, she was the one that rang you it wasn't work was it?".

Break Even Olly Murs FanficWhere stories live. Discover now