Break Even - Chapter 8

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Friday had zoomed by so quickly. Ben, who Nicky expected to make a huge commotion was actually surprisingly positive as he thought his relationship was back on track. He wouldn't expect a girl who was in love with a boy to organise his wedding to another girl. He thought Nicky was unselfish and was happy to have something occupy her time with whilst she was away, rather than baby talk. It led him to the conclusion that he wanted more, he asked Nicky if they wanted to try for another baby, the answer would determine whether she was really committed to their relationship and would really cement the next level that he really wanted but was putting off. Nicky was unsure at first, but to prevent upset she agreed to start trying, although in her head she knew she couldn't keep one thing off her mind; Olly.

Olly had been busy laying down tracks for his forthcoming album. He thought he would stay away from Nicky, she told him how Ben gets when they are together so he thought he would let the dust settle before going to visit her. That made him really start to make an effort with Leanne and the wedding, he was about to spend the rest of his life with her afterall. Leanne very happy, she knew that Nicky would have said something to Olly because thats where her loyalties lie, she didn't care, it worked she was happy that he was starting to take notice of her.

Olly made his way to the suit shop, meeting the rest of the guys and Nicky there. He was relaxed, walking down the high street, stopping only to sign a couple of autographs and having a couple of photos taken. At the suit shop the groomsmen and Nicky were waiting for him " late as usual" Nicky laughed. Olly walked in without a care in the world, he greeted the guys and gave Nicky a warm embrace. He acknowledged the twins only doing what Olly would do, grabbing their cheeks, this got them hyperactive. " Thanks for that Olly, I was trying to chill them out for the fitting" Nicky said crossly. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean it, Dais, Ry be good kids for your mum" he began retracting. "Damage is done now, now go on go and try on your suit, we've only got 20 minutes since your late" she bossed him about. He went into the changing room and Nicky waited outside whilst Olly and his groomsmen had tried it on.

"So, what do you think?" Olly said smiling. She walked over to him, straightening his collar and redoing his tie. He liked the way that was comfortable to fix his clothes, the way that it felt when she touched him, the way her neck scent from her day perfume drifting into his face whilst fixing his tie. " That's better, very handsome" she replied. She turned him around to reveal himself in the mirror, he was smiling from ear to ear. Nicky walked back so he could get a few minutes to himself in his finery. The realisation came over Nicky, that this was really happening and she shed a tear. Olly saw this in the mirror, and turned round " You ok?" he asked quietly so the others couldn't hear. She nodded "these are happy tears", in reality they were sad tears. They finished at the suit shop making sure all were fitted perfectly. The guys had left leaving Olly to settle the bill and Nicky waited for him to tell him what they got left to do.

"So all you've got to do now Olly is pick up the rings, then everything is sorted your end" Nicky said. " Ok cool, thanks for that" he smiled giving her a hug. Any excuse to get next to her and to touch her. "So, I'll guess I'll see you when I see you". Olly looked puzzled "Nicky, are you forgetting something?, we're supposed to be spending the day together". She paused, and had a worried look on her face, but she couldn't hold her face, she let out a wry smile " I know, just joking with ya" she smiled. A sigh of relief come across Olly's face.

They walked over to a quiet park, the twins were asleep in their double buggy and they sat at a picnic bench. It was a nice day, they sat there relaxing, and comfortable in each others company. " You know Olly, you never did take me on the date you promised ?" Nicky said out of the blue that made Olly spit out his water. " When did I say that?" he smiled cheekily. " Ohhh erm... Don't worry about it" she replied feeling uneasy. "I know I said it, I was only playing, you know Nic, I'll tell you the truth now, I always planned to take you out, especially after that night, I couldn't forget that night" he said daydreaming but continued. " But I couldn't ruin what we have, our friendship and you got with Ben so I couldn't really take you out so...". "If only you let me say what I wanted to say after the marathon anyway it doesn't matter now" she tried to backtrack. He could sense there was a lot on her mind " why have we never talked about it, you know that night, New York, everything?" he began to question in his mind how she felt and for the first time had the feeling that she had the same feelings as he did. " I dunno Ols, I really don't know, anyways we got your wedding to look forward to, and look the twins have woken up". He didn't pressure her to talk about it, he just wanted to make sure that he was right that she did feel the same. Nicky got the twins out just to sit down and feel the grass beneath their toes. Ryan pulled himself up on Olly and smiled, Nicky who was adjacent to Olly about 3 feet away said " let go Olly, see if he walks to me, I've been trying for ages". Ryan looked at Olly as he let go" come to mummy Ry", he then took two steps and fell on the soft grass. " He walked, you must be the lucky charm, we will have to try Daisy again sometime". Nicky and Olly both smiled at eachother " so proud of you little man" he said holding him up in the air. They stayed at the park for a couple of hours, playing with the kids, then it was time to go. They said their goodbyes and they separated.

Nicky got home, and Ben got home shortly after. " Hey, how was your day babe?" Ben kissed her on the cheek. She was busy peeling potatoes for dinner, he whispered in her ear " so how about mission baby tonight?". Nicky rolled her eyes, knowing Ben wouldn't see. Knowing she couldn't get out of it she replied " sure why not". The twins fell asleep pretty soon after their dinner, the fresh air tired them out. "So, how about that early night then?" he winked. They made way upstairs, it was more of a chore for Nicky but she wanted to make her man happy, so she went with it. After Ben fell asleep, Nicky snuck into the bathroom, opened the cabinet and took a pill out and swallowed it.

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