Break Even - Chapter 9

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"Are you sure your going to be alright with the twins, mum and dad are around if you need him" Nicky said clutching her suitcase. " Nicky, just go, go and enjoy yourself, we'll be fine, give us a call when you land" Ben smiled pushing her out of the door. She kissed the twins, it was the first time she had left the twins since they were born. She jumped in the back of the taxi that was waiting outside whilst the driver put her suitcase in the boot of the car. Her eyes streamed she knew how much she was going to miss her babies. She held her hand up to the window waving as the car pulled away.

It was a half an hour cab ride to the airport, she just sat back and rested her eyes. She felt her phone vibrate, thinking it was Ben who had trouble with the twins already, she retrieved her phone and was ready to tell the driver to turn around. She was hoping it was Ben because she didn't really want to go. Instead, she opened the text message that was received " Go to our special place, Ols x". She smiled, didn't reply and just sat back.

"Hey, how are you Nicky?" Leanne shouted across the terminal. She went a slight beetroot colour as all eyes were on her, she didn't know anyone, the only person she knew was Leanne. She walked over to her " Hi Leanne, I'm good". "Right are we ready to go now girlies" Leanne said confidently. They all followed her to check in. " Right the theme girls is sex and the city, meaning we are going to consume a few cocktails" Leanne said. They went through the necessary procedures going through passport control and security and then the tannoy announced the boarding of the aeroplane. They all made their way to their seats. The flight was pretty much settled. Nicky opted to spend most of the time asleep as she thought she would be having a lot of late nights and it would keep her mind off her children.

They arrived at New York mid afternoon, there was no rest for the wicked as Leanne and her bridesmaid planned their first night out. However, they were unsure on where to go " Nicky, you've been here before, where should we go?" Leanne asked. Nicky felt a huge pressure on her she would rather not go to the places that she went with Olly as it would remind her of him. "Come on, where did you go to, when Olly and the guys were out here" Maddy her bridesmaid pushed for an answer. "Well, we went to a British pub, and a couple of cocktail bars and a club....". "Sounds perfect, we will do that" Maddy said. In Nicky's head she thought that surely they should have planned it before they went away, but she went along with it so Leanne would have a good time. The first night resulted in everyone drinking a large amount of alcohol. They sat in a group in a booth of a club, everyone was talking. "So Nicky, how did you meet Olly then" Maddy asked. " Out running, he and the guys just came and talked to me, then we all went out, just had a good time really and stayed friends ever since". Nicky was daydreaming and had a goofy smile on her face "what are you smiling at?" Maddy asked bitchily. " Just this place, it olds many a good memory for me, it's where I was the most happiest" Nicky replied " and it's where me and Ben got together aswell". The night ended with all the girls dancing besides Nicky who opted to stay in the booth sipping on her martini. She felt uncomfortable and decided to slip away and thought they wouldn't notice anyway. She fell asleep pretty much as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The next day:

Nicky looked at herself in the mirror, she felt drained, not herself, she remembered the text Olly sent her a couple of days ago and thought as the rest are still asleep she decided to do do when she first come to New York, she knew exactly where she was going to go. She got dressed into her gym clothes and took off to her spot. A little after fifteen minutes had she arrived at her destination, she smiled at she pushed the newly black painted gate and saw that the bench which she left was still vacant. She sat there admiring the bench thinking about this is where the first time she met Ben, the first time she met Olly, the first time she really fell in love. She got up from the bench and took her usual route to run, although it was hard to run for her as she had been a little out of practice after having the twins, she was relaxed and it really let her emotions out. She stopped at the rest spot, got her phone out and couldn't resist sending a text "at our spot, still as beautiful at ever". She couldn't help but think what might have been. She made her way back to the hotel just in time to see the girls make their way out of the hotel. " Oh hi, where are you off to?" Nicky asked. " Erm, we are going for breakfast, we tried knocking for you and tried ringing you but you didn't respond so...". Nicky got out her phone "funny cause I haven't got a missed call". The girls all looked at each other with a snide look. "Oh I get it, it's fine I guess you all wanna spend sometime together, I'll find something to do" Nicky said. Leanne looked guilty " No come Nicky, it's ok, we don't mind do we girls". " Seriously hon, it's nice of you but you girls go, I've been here before I'll catch up with a few people I met". "Ok if your sure" Leanne started to walk off.

Nicky had regretted making the decision to come to New York, she had never felt more alone, she just wanted to get home to see her babies and get on with her life. She knew Ben was struggling without her, he would constantly text her to find out where things are. She felt as if no one liked her, they didn't give her a chance, they didn't have a reason not to like her. Since tonight was the last night, she would make one last ditch attempt to put some effort in and if it didn't work then at least she could say she tried.

The day turned to night, and the girls and Nicky got glammed up, making the night special for Leanne. Many cocktails were consumed and lots of dancing was done. Maddy, one of Leanne's bridesmaids walked up to Nicky and gave her the evilest look you could give a person "you better stay away from the wedding, I know you love Olly, just face it he's marrying Leanne". Nicky's face was shocked "I'm sorry, do you know me? No, yes I love Olly, I love him as a friend and what right do you have to say to me to stay away from the wedding, none, my kids, my boyfriend will be there so I'm sorry". Maddy stood there startled at the face someone actually talked back to her. Nicky walked out of the club and back to the hotel in tears, contemplating making a call on her phone. She decided to take the plunge "sorry did I wake you? New York ain't the same without you".

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