Break Even - Chapter 2

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Set 9 months later

It was coming up to valentines day and Olly had decided to take Leanne away for a long weekend. Ben had returned from his world tour but was in undated with job offers and was always jetting off here or there for gigs. The twins had started crawling and Nicky had relied on Uncle Olly for lots of help, he loved it but hadn't spent a great deal of time with Leanne lately.

It was the last night of their weekend in Venice and they decided to go out for dinner. As the night was nearing the end, Olly took a deep breath." Leanne, I got something to ask you. I know it hasn't been too long that we've been together, but you make me happy and I cant imagine not being with you. You make me laugh, your pretty, you just complete me"  

he stood from where he was sitting and got down on one knee "Leanne, what I'm trying to say is er... Will you marry me?". She stood there in amazement, speechless, a smile appeared on her face " yes, yes of course I will" she responded clutching his neck tight. She didn't let go and kissed his cheek as other couples applauded. They hugged, his chin rested on her shoulder his eyes fully opened. He made someone happy. He made his dream a reality, he should have been elated but if anyone could see his eyes they sure gave it away, he had settled for second best.

Olly and Leanne flew back to the UK early the next morning. No sooner had they walked through the door Ollys mobile rang."Hi, hello" Olly turned away from Leanne " yep sure I'll be over now, I'll see you in a bit". Olly shut off his phone " Sorry, work calls, gotta pay for this wedding" he laughed. "Ahh ok, erm... Olly can we have a engagement party, I'll organise everything you won't have to do anything". "Course hon, anything you want just give me the bill" he guiltily said. He didn't like lying to Leanne, especially as she was going to be the woman that he was going to spend the rest of his life with, but someone always had a hold of him, and that someone was Nicky.

Nicky's was waiting indoors dressed in her skinny jeans and black top. Her hair was scrunched up in the way that a new mother puts up when she doesn't have time for herself.  

She smeared on some foundation to make the bags under her eyes seem a little lighter. She was tired from running the house and watching the kids by herself, of course Ben would help when he could but he was very much in demand and they saw very little of each other over the last few weeks resulting in Nicky feeling like a single mum, most of the time, she never complained about it, she just got on with her job, being a mother.  

The twins were not only crawling about everywhere now but starting pulling themselves up on anything they could reach - everything perfect size for little hands now had to go up another level. She quite often called on Olly as a friend, confidant and some company and the twins really loved him.

Nicky's doorbell went, she went to the door and opened it carefully " hey hon, thanks for coming" she said kissing his cheek softly. " Hey, no worries good to see you" he said walking into her living room. He sat on the floor with the twins who were on the floor. He was happy sitting there playing with them, like he would do with his own nephew. " They are growing up so quickly, Daisy is looking so much like you, sooo beautiful" Olly said. " Yep don't I know it, have to raise everything a level higher now, double trouble" she laughed. " Ahh that's what mum and dad called us" he replied. The twins were laughing as Olly tickled their bellies " Ahh they love their uncle Olly, here, here's a tea just how you like it". He got up and sat next to Nicky on the white leather sofa.

Facing eachother, their knees barely touched eachother and their eyes met, a slight embarrassed look come upon Nicky. " So, I forgot to ask, how's things with you and Ben?". " Yeah, they are ok, a little better I guess, nicer now he comes home at night as he's doing some studio work "ahhh, must be nice for the twins you know to see their dad". " Yes when he's here, but I do understand that he has a job to do". " Busy boy ain't he?" he responded.  

Nicky's phone went " Hi.... Yes I'm fine..... Just doing what I usually do, at home with the twins.... No, I haven't seen him" she quietened her voice and carried on her conversation. "Ben, what is your problem with him, he's supposed to be your friend too". She got up and walked into the stairway, signalling for Olly to look after the twins, he put his thumbs up and she closed the door behind her.

" Why can't you ever talk about this face to face with me, I love you Ben, please can we sort this out?....Ok, I'll see you tonight, I'm making your favourite". She shut off the phone and tears were streaming down her face, she tried to wipe away the evidence removing what little make up she had on her face.

She walked into the living room, Olly looked up and stood up " you've been crying ain't you?", "what makes you say that" she said trying to fight back the tears. He hugged her and then pulled away saying "he don't know I'm here does he?". She shook her head "it just causes more arguments Olly, it's his problem, we are both your friends, and he don't like the fact I spend time with you".

" So how about a fresh brew and you fill me in on your break whilst we give these two little monkeys their bottles" Nicky said. " Erm.... Yeah sure, ok" he replied. Nicky got up and walked to the back of the room of the open planned living area. There was silence, the only noise you could hear was the twins babbling and the kettle boiling. "Is everything ok?" Nicky turned around as Olly had stopped talking. " Everything is fine hon". She poured the water into the mugs and prepared her bottles. She handed the bottles to the babies who could now feed themselves and gave Olly his mug of tea. " So tell me about the break then" Nicky asked. " Well we went on a gondola and looked around the sites and...." he said nervously. " And...?" she tried to get him to continue. He stood up and started pacing the room. " Olly what's up, obviously you got something on your mind" she said. He sat down took a look at the twins who were happily drinking their milk 

"Nicky, I've asked Leanne to marry me".

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