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I have friends that I trust. People that I love. They're always there and I love them with every once of my soul every fiber in my being yet I'm still so lonely. I have these amazing people and yet I still feel like I have no one. I feel empty and numb. I lost a few bonds but I made new ones. I've been lonely a time or two but this time the loneliness is drowning me. I've been a loner for most of my life. I have few people I talk to and even fewer I love. Loneliness has always been something that I could just cover up and pretend I don't feel but lately it's getting harder to not feel. I feel from the time I wake up til the time I go to sleep. It's killing me yet I'm at peace.

(145 words long.)

Author's Note:

Hey beings! I don't have an updating schedule anymore. So I'm just uploading poems when I write them. If you need a friend or someone to talk to Dm me. If you need help don't be afraid to reach out and get it. Stay strong. Stay Safe. Have a great day/evening/night. I love you all. ❤️❤️ ~Dark_thoughts_care

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