your memory

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Your memory hurts. You memory burns. Your memory is bittersweet. It haunts me all the time. I love it and I hate it. Like I love and hate you. It's strange to think of you in past terms. It's strange because I've always thought of you in future and present terms. I never thought it'd end this way. You happy and me in pain. It's bittersweet just like you. It's sad and happy. Yet it's the painful truth. We're toxic for each other. Our bond isn't there anymore. It's gone and I can't fix it anymore. I can't love you anymore and make it all better. I give and give and give and there's no more love to give but my love never mattered anyways you always left after you got what you needed from me. Those memories hurt the most. It's those memories of you that hurt the most. It's those memories that broke my heart to the point of not being able to fix. It's those memories of you. All of them the good and the bad. I can't pick out the bad and keep the good memories. Your memories break me. They haunt me. It's your memories that I can't let go. Your memories.

(207 words long)

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