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It's hard to sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see you. I see you wasting away in that hospital bed. The strongest, sweetest, smartest, humblest, and most amazing person I ever met. I see your eyes in dark chocolate. I feel the warmth of your hugs in the sunshine on my skin. I can hear you voice in the summer breeze . I see the brightness of your smile in the sunrise. I see so much of you in everything. I hear songs that we used to listen to and it kills me. Watching you fight for air in your last moments is seared into my head. The gasps, you chocking on your on salvia. The shallow rise and fall of your chest. I putting my hand on your heart and feeling no beat. It kills me. All of this is seared into my brain. I can see it all playing behind my eyes every time I close them. I can still feel the cold hardness of your skin from the funeral. I can feel the way your body slowly went from warm to cold. I can remember it all clear as day. It's so hard to sleep with it all playing behind my eyes.

(206 words long)

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