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People say home is where the heart is.
If that's true then my home is wherever you are.
You are where my heart is.
You are my anchor.
You are my rock.
You are my feelings.
You are what keeps me going on.
You used to at least.
Now the only reason I keep going on is because I have a small piece of hope that I won't always be this mess.
Everyday that hope is fading.
It's fading fast just like me.
I don't know why you try anymore.
I gave up on me yet here you are still hoping and telling me you're not going to give up on me.
How do you expect me to believe that when I don't even believe in myself?
You were once a place I could call home.
Not anymore.
You're no longer my home.

(155 words long)

Dark Poetryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن