Good enough.

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Good enough. Everyone says I'm good enough. Everyone tries to make me believe that I'm good enough for them. Like I'm enough for them but that's the thing I'm never enough. I might be for now but after a while I'll just be some clingy annoying idiot trying to get your attention trying st stay in your life even when I'm not welcome when your done. I'm never good enough not for you not for my parents not for anyone. Not even myself. I can't do anything right, and I try to hard. I care too much and I'm just not good enough. I try to be enough but I'm not. I'm not good enough. I'll never be. I try to be enough for someone anyone but I'm not. Not for you not for my parents not for myself not for my siblings. Not for my teachers my friends. I'm never enough. Especially for my parents I try so hard for them and all I get is what I didn't do what I could've done better. I'm not enough for them I bet some days the wish they never conceived me. I know I do. I'm never enough for them for me for anyone. There's not a person in this world I'm good enough for. I'll never be. I'm never going to be good enough I can try to be but I'll never be.

(234 words long)

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