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I'm no saint. I fucked up and I hurt you. I did things that weren't good for either of us. I'm no Saint, neither are you but at least I didn't kiss someone else when we were together. At least I gave you my soul and I'd never cheat. I thought I'd forgive you but now I'm just angry. I'm no saint but I'm better then you. You jump from relationship to relationship and wonder why they never work out? They never work out because you never stop running from one person to another. Do you even know who you are, Love? The day we called it quits I bet you were already back with him. Hell I bet you cheated on both of us. I'm no saint, I'll admit. I hurt you in ways that I thought I'd never. I gave you my everything but you only loved me for my body. You can say that you didn't but in the end that's all you wanted dear. I'm not in love with you anymore. I'm no saint but I'm not a cheater.

[183 words long]

Dark PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon