I Wish part 2.

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I wish I could hate you. I wish I could ignore you. I wish I didn't miss you. I wish with every fiber in my being that I don't love you anymore. I wish that I didn't think about you everyday. I wish that I could be happy. I wish that you'd care. I wish that you understood how much you hurt me how much you do hurt me unintentionally. I wish you could understand how angry you make me. I wish that you cared so much. I wish that I could stop hoping that you'd wake up and care one day. I wish that you would make an effort to care. I wish that you'd just accept and be happy for me. I wish that you'd understand the worth of my tears and I wish that you would stop making the tears fall. I wish that I stop crying over you. I really do...because I know that you don't cry over me too. I wish that you would just take a minute to care. I wish that I could trust you. I wish but that's all they are is wishes...and they'll never come true no matter how much I wish...A million words could never make them Happen I know because I've tried nor could a billion tears I know because I've cried.

226 words long.

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