You say.

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You say you know me. You say that you know me but you really don't. You say that your my best friend but you aren't. You say forever but it's over. You say that you know me but do you? It feels like you don't. You don't know me you know who I was. You don't know me you don't even see you when you look at me you see someone else who you think I can be. You don't see me. Half the time you don't even see me period. I'm just another person until you need something. You say that you miss me but how can you miss someone you don't even know? You say that you love me but we both know that it's not true you love my loyalty not me. You say that you care but what do you care about? It's not me. You say that your there for me but when? When were you ever there for me? I can't remember. I'm always here for you but after you get what you want you act like you don't even know me. Like we never met. You say that you want to try again that your trying to change but when? When will you change? You say that you will but it's what you always say and I believe it. You say this but that's all it is just you saying and making promises that we both know you won't keep but I believe them because we both know that I'll be them. We both know that all your words and promises are meaningless yet I always seem to believe them. You say and promise but you never mean them. Everything you say.

(289 words long.)

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