I tried.

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I tried.
I tried so hard.
I tried to be your best friend.
I tried to be what you expected me to be.
I tried to be what you wanted me to be.
I tried and tried and tried again I just wasn't enough for you was I?
You wanted everything.
My soul, happiness, emotions.
You got them.
You got them all.
What more can I give you.
I tried to hard didn't I?
I just wanted your attention.
You wanted to see me break, fall, and lose it all.
Congratulations, you did.
That's what I am now.
Im Broken, I fell, and I lost what mattered.
What's left to give?
I tried.
It's your turn now.

Started- I don't know what time. Tuesday April seventh of 2020

Ended- 11:58P.M. Wednesday April eighth of 2020.

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