not enough

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I'm not enough for you. I never was. Nothing I did was enough. Nothing I do is enough. Everytime I do something for you. Everything I do for you it isn't enough is it? I'm never enough. Everything I do. I do it for you. Everything about me is made from you. Yet all you do is pick and pick and pick tell me what I'm not doing or what I lack in. It's like no matter how hard I try I never reach your expectations. Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm not good enough. I'm sorry I'm a failure. I'm sorry that I try. I sorry I breathe. I'm sorry. What more do you want? Huh huh? What? You already got everything! I have no control over my life. I can't do anything right and you know what. It's your fault not mine! I thought I was good enough. I really did but after all of the nagging and all of the you could do this better and you didn't do this. Well, maybe you should aknowledge what I do do for once. I love you! Why isn't that enough for you? What will be? I'm trying my hardest! Yet I'm not trying enough for you am I? I'm not enough for you am I? When will I be? When I'm dead? When I'm your mini you? When? When will I be enough for you? You say you're proud of me yet you still have to pick at everything last thing? Have I not been lied and tore down enough? Do you really have to keep doing that to me? I thought you wanted what was best for me? What is best for me? What? Since you know me so well tell me what's best for me? When will I be enough for you? Do you know what I want most? It's to stop letting you down. I know that will never happen though because that's all I do. It's all I hear yeah you might not say it but I can see it in your eyes hear it in your voice and your words why the may not say that directly they mean it in. You know I know. So when will I be enough for you? When I'm the "perfect" person? When I don't have my own opinion on things? When I'm just a robot with feelings but hide them? When will I be enough for you and your expectations? When? I have tried and tried but it's never enough even when I'm hurting myself for you. When I'm pushing everyone out to meet your expectations. When I'm doing everything right but I make one mistake and that's what you focus on and nothing else. When will I be enough for you? When? If I'm not now when Will I be? When!?

(476 words long.)

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