Why part 4?

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Why do I breathe? Why do I think? Why do I lay awake when I should sleep?

Why do I hurt? Why do I feel? Why do I panic at the sound of a phonecall? Why does it hurt to breathe? Why can't I feel? Why does it hurt so bad when I feel?

Why do I always feel so anxious? Why do I have a thousand thoughts? Why do I smile and Laugh when all I want to do is scream and cry and let out my pain?

Why am I always angry? Why can't I just have one day where I can smile and laugh and not feel like it's fake? Why can't I just be happy? Why do I mess everything up when everything is going good?

Why can't I just let myself be happy? Why do I push myself until I break until I'm laying on the floor of my shower crying wishing to end it all? Why can't I Just let everything go stop worrying stop shaking stop crying stop breaking?

Why can't I just simply be?

(183 words long.)

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